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I work for a company that packages numerous products with different brand names. Sometimes we package the same product under a different brand name but the Lot number, expiration date, and product code are still the same. Because of us packaging product this way, this is considered a split lot.
When the user opens up the workbook a messagebox opens up and asks if this is a split lot. If the user clicks no, a form named frmPackageYield appears. However, when the user clicks yes I need that same userform to load and after the user clicks the submit button the form will reload disabling certain controls after the first submit click.
I have a userform that asks the user various questions such as:
Select Production Line(Production Line are radio buttons)
Select Product: (combobox)
Product Code: (textbox)
Lot Code: (textbox)
Expiration Date: (textbox)
Quantity Issued to Packaging (textbox)
Cartons Issued: (textbox)
Samples: (textbox)
Damaged: (textbox)
When the user clicks the Submit button the first time, the data is entered an excel spreadsheet template. Then the form reloads asking the same questions with the exception the following textboxes which should be set to .enabled = false and those textboxes are
product code
Lot code
expiration date
Quantity Issued to Packaging
So my question is:
How can I reload/reuse the same userform inside a For Loop making the above changes on the second loop and when the user clicks submit it finds the last selection cell and adds one line each time the form has to loop?
The code for the submit button.
So for any confusion that this explanation may have caused and thank you.
When the user opens up the workbook a messagebox opens up and asks if this is a split lot. If the user clicks no, a form named frmPackageYield appears. However, when the user clicks yes I need that same userform to load and after the user clicks the submit button the form will reload disabling certain controls after the first submit click.
I have a userform that asks the user various questions such as:
Select Production Line(Production Line are radio buttons)
Select Product: (combobox)
Product Code: (textbox)
Lot Code: (textbox)
Expiration Date: (textbox)
Quantity Issued to Packaging (textbox)
Cartons Issued: (textbox)
Samples: (textbox)
Damaged: (textbox)
When the user clicks the Submit button the first time, the data is entered an excel spreadsheet template. Then the form reloads asking the same questions with the exception the following textboxes which should be set to .enabled = false and those textboxes are
product code
Lot code
expiration date
Quantity Issued to Packaging
So my question is:
How can I reload/reuse the same userform inside a For Loop making the above changes on the second loop and when the user clicks submit it finds the last selection cell and adds one line each time the form has to loop?
'Declares variable names
Dim ans As String
Dim ansSplit As String
Dim i As Integer
ans = MsgBox("Is this a split Lot?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Split Lot")
If ans = vbNo Then
frmPackageYield.Show vbModeless
ansSplit = InputBox("How many times does this lot split?", "Split Lot")
For i = 1 To ansSplit
frmPackageYield.Show vbModeless
Next i
End If
End Sub
The code for the submit button.
Private Sub cmdbtnSubmit_Click()
Dim str As String
Dim found As Range
str = Me.cmbPrdCde.Value
Workbooks("F-103-04 Exh E-Bulk MT-Pkg Prod Theoretical Yield Report-Rev004_ver_19_3.xlsm").Activate
str = Replace(Split(str, "(")(1), ")", vbNullString)
Select Case True
Case Is = optSat
Workbooks("F-103-04 Exh E-Bulk MT-Pkg Prod Theoretical Yield Report-Rev004_ver_19_3.xlsm").Activate
Set found = Worksheets("Product_Info").Range("B3", Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Find(str)
Case Is = optIM
Workbooks("F-103-04 Exh E-Bulk MT-Pkg Prod Theoretical Yield Report-Rev004_ver_19_3.xlsm").Activate
Set found = Worksheets("Product_Info").Range("N3", Range("N" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Find(str)
Case Is = optCober
Workbooks("F-103-04 Exh E-Bulk MT-Pkg Prod Theoretical Yield Report-Rev004_ver_19_3.xlsm").Activate
Set found = Worksheets("Product_Info").Range("J3", Range("J" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Find(str)
Case optOhl2
Workbooks("F-103-04 Exh E-Bulk MT-Pkg Prod Theoretical Yield Report-Rev004_ver_19_3.xlsm").Activate
Set found = Worksheets("Product_Info").Range("F3", Range("F" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Find(str)
Case optPunch
Workbooks("F-103-04 Exh E-Bulk MT-Pkg Prod Theoretical Yield Report-Rev004_ver_19_3.xlsm").Activate
Set found = Worksheets("Product_Info").Range("V3", Range("V" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Find(str)
Case optOhl5
Workbooks("F-103-04 Exh E-Bulk MT-Pkg Prod Theoretical Yield Report-Rev004_ver_19_3.xlsm").Activate
Set found = Worksheets("Product_Info").Range("R3", Range("R" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Find(str)
End Select
Workbooks("F-103-04 Exh E-Bulk MT-Pkg Prod Theoretical Yield Report-Rev004.xlsx").Activate
Worksheets("Exhibit E Bulk mt").Activate
Worksheets("Exhibit E Bulk mt").Range("H14").Value = Date
Worksheets("Exhibit E Bulk mt").Range("C6").Value = "'" & Me.TxtBxBlkBlnd.Value
Worksheets("Exhibit E Bulk mt").Range("C9").Value = str
Worksheets("Exhibit E Bulk mt").Range("C11").Value = Me.txtbxLtNum.Value
Worksheets("Exhibit E Bulk mt").Range("C13").Value = Me.txtbxExpDte.Value
Worksheets("Exhibit E Bulk mt").Range("F18").Value = Me.txtbxQtyIss.Value
Worksheets("Exhibit E Bulk mt").Range("B23").Value = Me.txtbxCartonsIss.Value
Worksheets("Exhibit E Bulk mt").Range("B28").Value = Me.txtbxSamples.Value
Worksheets("Exhibit E Bulk mt").Range("B32").Value = Me.txtbxDamaged.Value
Worksheets("Exhibit E Bulk mt").Range("B36").Value = Me.txtbxRedress.Value
Worksheets("Exhibit E Bulk mt").Range("D32").Value = "1"
Workbooks("F-103-04 Exh E-Bulk MT-Pkg Prod Theoretical Yield Report-Rev004_ver_19_3.xlsm").Sheets("Product_Info").Activate
If found Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("Nothing found")
Workbooks("F-103-04 Exh E-Bulk MT-Pkg Prod Theoretical Yield Report-Rev004.xlsx").Sheets("Exhibit E Bulk mt").Range("A23") = Cells(found.Row, 3).Value
Workbooks("F-103-04 Exh E-Bulk MT-Pkg Prod Theoretical Yield Report-Rev004.xlsx").Sheets("Exhibit E Bulk mt").Range("A28") = Cells(found.Row, 3).Value
Workbooks("F-103-04 Exh E-Bulk MT-Pkg Prod Theoretical Yield Report-Rev004.xlsx").Sheets("Exhibit E Bulk mt").Range("A32") = Cells(found.Row, 3).Value
Workbooks("F-103-04 Exh E-Bulk MT-Pkg Prod Theoretical Yield Report-Rev004.xlsx").Sheets("Exhibit E Bulk mt").Range("A36") = Cells(found.Row, 3).Value
Workbooks("F-103-04 Exh E-Bulk MT-Pkg Prod Theoretical Yield Report-Rev004.xlsx").Sheets("Exhibit E Bulk mt").Range("D23") = Cells(found.Row, 3).Value
Workbooks("F-103-04 Exh E-Bulk MT-Pkg Prod Theoretical Yield Report-Rev004.xlsx").Sheets("Exhibit E Bulk mt").Range("D28") = Cells(found.Row, 3).Value
Workbooks("F-103-04 Exh E-Bulk MT-Pkg Prod Theoretical Yield Report-Rev004.xlsx").Sheets("Exhibit E Bulk mt").Range("D36") = Cells(found.Row, 3).Value
End If
Unload Me
Workbooks("F-103-04 Exh E-Bulk MT-Pkg Prod Theoretical Yield Report-Rev004.xlsx").Sheets("Exhibit E Bulk mt").Activate
End Sub
So for any confusion that this explanation may have caused and thank you.