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So I'm working on an Excel tool that is used by a large department, and one of the areas we are seeing slow speeds is running calculations for members and calculating cashflows. To help, we wrote a custom function Which I'll try and explain in better detail.
I appreciate the complexity of the function, it's an actuarial calculation that is being performed, and it's been written based on conversations with the product owner, but we both know that it's producing what seem to be the correct results. It would just be good if we could find a way to help it run faster. Am I missing anything obvious with regards the processing? Happy to provide more info if necessary, will do the best I can.
Many thanks in advance
So I'm working on an Excel tool that is used by a large department, and one of the areas we are seeing slow speeds is running calculations for members and calculating cashflows. To help, we wrote a custom function Which I'll try and explain in better detail.
Function Udf_CalcCashflow(cashflowTotal() As Double, _
cashflowPBOTotal() As Double, _
pensionArray() As Variant, _
pensionType As String, _
decrementType As String, _
AgeNow As Long, _
Sex As Integer, _
Optional benefitOffset As Integer = -1)
'\* cashflowTotal() - array of cashflows that is 1 column by 100 rows
'\* cashflowPBOTotal() - array of cashflows that is 1 column by 100 rows
'\* pensionArray() - array of pensions that is one column by the number of years from age now to retirement
'\* pensionType - a string, such as "OP" (old age pension)
'\* decrementType - a string, such as "dth" (death)
'\* AgeNow - the age of the member
'\* Sex - the sex of the member (1 = M, 2 = F)
'\* benefitOffset - default is -1, value entered is a column offset position, i.e. 1
'\* declare variables at procedure level...
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim cashflowCalc() As Double
Dim cashflowPBOCalc() As Double
Dim benefitAmt As Double
Dim m_dDecrementRates() As Double
Dim tempcount As Integer
Dim proRateFactor As Double
'\* find the position of the items in the appropriate array...
'\* the following function returns the position in the array of known pension types, which will reflect the 'layer'
'\* the pension type cashflows are held in.
Dim startPos As Integer: startPos = Udf_FindPensionTypeStartPos(pensionType)
'\* the following function returns the position of the member's age in an array of all ages cashflows were requested for,
'\* and therefore this also relates to a row/column position of the cashflows for the age and sex of the member.
Dim RecordPos As Integer: RecordPos = Udf_FindAgePosition(AgeArray, AgeNow, Sex)
'\* if optional param not entered (the member is not active)...
If benefitOffset = -1 Then
'\* get a first value in the benefit array...
benefitAmt = pensionArray(LBound(pensionArray, 1), 1)
'\* calculate the amount by each cashflow and store...
For x = 1 To cMaxCashflowYears Step 1
cashflowTotal(x, 1) = benefitAmt * Cashflows_GetSingleCashflow(RecordPos, startPos, 1, x - 1)
cashflowPBOTotal(x, 1) = cashflowTotal(x, 1)
Next x
'\* Notes:
'\* cMaxCashflowYears = 100
'\* Cashflows_GetSingleCashflow(RecordPos, startPos, 1, x - 1) - the cashflows are in a multi-dimensional array, and this function returns a
'\* single column of cashflows from the appropriate dimension (pension type, sex, age, year)
'\* End Notes
'\* Notes:
'\* cMaxAgeActive = 70
'\* m_dPlanEarlyRetEndAge = 65
'\* m_dDecrementRates is a single column of rates used in the calculations
'\* m_dnpx is a single column of rates used in the calculations
'\* End Notes
'\* get the appropriate rates for the calculation...
m_dDecrementRates = Udf_GetDecrementRates(decrementType, AgeNow, Sex)
'\* redimension the array to hold the cashflow calcs...
ReDim cashflowCalc(1 To cMaxCashflowYears, 1 To cMaxAgeActive - AgeNow + 2)
ReDim cashflowPBOCalc(1 To cMaxCashflowYears, 1 To cMaxAgeActive - AgeNow + 2)
'\* calculate the cashflows and store the total...
For y = LBound(pensionArray) + 1 To cMaxAgeActive - AgeNow + 2 Step 1
'\* if the year exceeds the maximum rows...
If (AgeNow + y - 2) > cMaxAgeActive Then
'\* set the factor as 1...
proRateFactor = 1
'\* get the pro-rate factor for the requested decrement type...
Select Case decrementType
Case "Term"
proRateFactor = svcProRates(AgeNow + y - 2, 2 * rateOffsetsTerm(1, benefitOffset) - 1)
Case "Dis"
proRateFactor = svcProRates(AgeNow + y - 2, 2 * rateOffsetsDis(1, benefitOffset) - 1)
Case "Dth"
proRateFactor = svcProRates(AgeNow + y - 2, 2 * rateOffsetsDth(1, benefitOffset) - 1)
Case "Ret"
proRateFactor = svcProRates(AgeNow + y - 2, 2 * rateOffsetsRet(1, benefitOffset) - 1)
End Select
End If
For x = 1 To cMaxCashflowYears Step 1
If (x + y - 1) <= 100 Then
If x = 1 And pensionType = "TOP Inpay" And decrementType = "Ret" And (AgeNow + y - 2) >= (m_dPlanEarlyRetEndAge - 1) And tempcount = 0 Then
startPos = Udf_FindPensionTypeStartPos("OP Inpay")
tempcount = tempcount + 1
End If
'\* calculate the cashflow for the current year and pension type...
cashflowCalc(x + y - 1, y) = pensionArray(y, 1) * Cashflows_GetSingleCashflow(RecordPos, startPos, y - 1, x - 1) * m_dDecrementRates(AgeNow + y - 2) * m_dnpx(AgeNow + y - 2)
'\* calculate the individual PBO cashflow...
cashflowPBOCalc(x + y - 1, y) = cashflowCalc(x + y - 1, y) * proRateFactor
'\* sum the cashflows for the current year...
cashflowTotal(x + y - 1, 1) = cashflowTotal(x + y - 1, 1) + cashflowCalc(x + y - 1, y)
cashflowPBOTotal(x + y - 1, 1) = cashflowPBOTotal(x + y - 1, 1) + cashflowPBOCalc(x + y - 1, y)
End If
Next x
Next y
End If
End Function
Many thanks in advance
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