No, I'm only looking at 3 statements. I'm familiar with and and or, but not NOT. Okay, I'll give it a try. Thanks.Nested IF Statement?
If(NOT(or(A1=0, A1="")), A1, if(NOT(or(B1=0,B1="")), b1, if(NOT(or(C1.....
however, you can only nest 6 if statements (i think its 6?) so if you have more than 6, you may need to run a group of 6, then another group of 6, then a group of 2 to combine them. or another solution entirely.
No VBA. Hopefully a simple formula. I'm trying to cascade an answer to see what's in a railcar. A1 is the product, B1 is the last contained and C1 is the business group. So if there is no data for product, then use last contained. But is there is no data data for last contained, use business group.I think you need to explain in more detail, as your request does not make much sense (or is missing some very important detail).
Formulas cannot "go" anywhere. They simply return a value to whatever cell are they located in.
Are you looking for VBA code to go to (select) a certain cell? If so, what is triggering this VBA code to run?
Will it be done manually, or automatically upon some event happening.
Correct. return value from.Perhaps you have just worded the question poorly.
Do you really mean "return the value from" instead of "go to"?
Can you show us some sample data, spanning the range of possibilities, and your expected results?
Correct. return value from.