Although I reference this forum alot I have never posted here before & I am a fairly rusty MACRO user
I have an urgent need to take a workbook full of tabs about 70 so far (each tab represents the sales for a particular sales agent) I have to have a macro to export each tab to its own book in the same directory as the original workbook full of tabs. I have three books like this one for ACTIVE (to be paid now sales commissions) one for FUTURE (to be paid) and one for HISTORY (already paid).
I need the macro over all to create a single work book for each sales person's id the contains the active TAB, the future tab and the history tab. So about 70 work books with three tabs each, belonging to the individual sales reps from the original three separate work books. Although I do not know the Sales person ID I do now each tab will contain a naming convention like XXXXXXX _ACTIVE , XXXXXX_FUTURE , XXXXXX_History in the perspective tab name for each of workbooks The TAB names will end with the _Active ...._future etc
I have an urgent need to take a workbook full of tabs about 70 so far (each tab represents the sales for a particular sales agent) I have to have a macro to export each tab to its own book in the same directory as the original workbook full of tabs. I have three books like this one for ACTIVE (to be paid now sales commissions) one for FUTURE (to be paid) and one for HISTORY (already paid).
I need the macro over all to create a single work book for each sales person's id the contains the active TAB, the future tab and the history tab. So about 70 work books with three tabs each, belonging to the individual sales reps from the original three separate work books. Although I do not know the Sales person ID I do now each tab will contain a naming convention like XXXXXXX _ACTIVE , XXXXXX_FUTURE , XXXXXX_History in the perspective tab name for each of workbooks The TAB names will end with the _Active ...._future etc