I have a huge spreadsheet with hours of work into that I have pasted data into from countless other workbooks. I am familiar with the 65,000 style limit and that excessive cutting and pasting may cause a "Excel Cannot Paste Data" or "Too Many Cell Formats" error message. However, I have yet to find a consistently reliable solution to this problem. I started using the following macro a few months ago which seemed to help but now, when using the same macro on the same workbook, I am still getting the errors. Maybe the only solution is to not copy and paste so much but I am hoping someone can provide me with a better automated solution. I am using Excel 2010. Thanks, RobertSub StyleKill()<o
DimstyT As Style<o
DimintRet As Integer<o
OnError Resume Next<o
ForEach styT In ActiveWorkbook.Styles<o
If Not styT.BuiltIn Then<o
If styT.Name <> "1" Then styT.Delete<o
End If<o
Next styT<o
End Sub

DimstyT As Style<o

DimintRet As Integer<o

OnError Resume Next<o

ForEach styT In ActiveWorkbook.Styles<o

If Not styT.BuiltIn Then<o

If styT.Name <> "1" Then styT.Delete<o

End If<o

Next styT<o

End Sub