Help creating a complex random generator for a table top game.


Board Regular
May 9, 2009
Hi, first let me apologize for the length of this post. I tried to give specific details in hopes my instructions would be easy to follow in case someone was willing to help me with this. I can't figure out how to add spoiler tags on this forum, so I can't block this information off in an easier to navigate format. Sorry.

So to begin, I have a sheet that contains a long list of data that I have compiled. There are around 7000 rows (names) and 6 columns (data pertaining to those names).

I was wondering if someone would work with me to create a random generator using this data that works completely in an excel sheet. My ability to write formulas or VBA is limited, but I am great at following directions. :smile:

Here is a sample excel file that I created that contains sheets with a few rows of data for testing purposes (the values are in no way accurate): Generator.xlsx

Here is how the generator would work:

I am not sure what the best approach would be as far as functionality and layout goes, but I went ahead and created 3 sheets: Generator, Items, and Charts.

Generator is the User screen.
Items is the database.
Charts is the operations.

I would like to be able to edit this generator on my own to include all 7000+ rows and also to add/adjust the data as needed in the future.

1. From the Generator sheet, you select from a dropdown menu a number from 1-30 which correlates to the "Level" in column B on the "Random Treasure Table" of the Charts sheet. It references those rows for the treasure being generated.

2. From the "Random Treasure Table" of the Charts sheet, it "rolls" a % between 1-100 (as in column C) and references the appropriate row. It generates a value from data in column D (Coins).

3. It then "rolls" again a % between 1-100 (as in column E) and references the appropriate row. It generates a value from data in column F (Goods).

3a. If the result is "gem", it references the group of rows on the Items sheet titled "Gems Generation". If the result is "art", it references the "Art Objects Generation" rows (also grouped).

3b. It then "rolls" a % between 1-100 (as in column B) on the gem or art table and references the appropriate row. Currently, the table just shows a value or a range of values (column C) as a note to myself. What I need it to do is reference the Items sheet and generate a random result based on a range of values on that table (column F). For example, if the % for "gems" result on the Chart sheet was 62%, it would reference the cost column (column F) for the gems data on the Items sheet. It would reference each row of gems that have a cost between 81 gp - 160 gp (because the result was 62%) and randomly select a "gem" from those rows.

4. It then repeats the process, but this time for column H on the "Random Treasure Table" and follows the same steps for the appropriate charts.

5. One difference is that the result for column H might require the generator to perform the action multiple times. So if the result is for "1d3 mundane" for example, it would generate 3 results from the "Mundane Item Generation" group.

6. Another difference for these charts is that each result (mundane, minor, medium, & major) will reference multiple other tables as explained below:


References the "Mundane Item Generation" group on the Charts sheet. The first table in the group is a list of potential items. A % is "rolled" (as in column B) to determine which secondary table to roll on.

Mundane Armor and shields:
For example, if the result was 18-42 for "Armors", then it references the "Mundane Items (Armors)" group on the Charts sheet.

It then "rolls" a % between 1-100 (as in column B) on the "Mundane Items (Armors)" table and references the appropriate row. At this point, it is similar to the "gems" example, except that it references the "Mundane, Armors" table on the Items sheet and generates a random result based on a range of values on the that sheet (column F).

The "Mundane Items (Armors)" table can also have a result (92-100) "Roll on Unusual Material table". This requires an additional "roll" on the "Mundane Items (Armor Unusual Materials)". This result references the appropriate table on the Items sheet ("Mundane, Armors, Unusual Material" table).

For example, if the "Mundane Items (Armors)" table result was between 92-100, then it "rolled" a result on the "Mundane Items (Armor Unusual Materials)" table between 80-91 (601 gp - 1,500 gp), then on the "Mundane, Armors, Unusual Material" table from the Items sheet, it randomly selects from the rows containing a value between 601 - 1,500 in column F, which lets say the random result was "Armor Unusual Material 8". The final result for the mundane random item is: "Armor Unusual Material 8".

The "Mundane Item Generation" group items called "Alchemical items & Tools and gear" work the same as the gems and art tables. The "Weapons" item works similar to the Armors group, but as follows:

Mundane Weapons:
It "rolls" a % between 1-100 (as in column B) on the "Mundane Items (Weapons)" table on the Charts sheet and references the appropriate row. If the result was between 01-70 (Melee weapon), then on the "Mundane, Melee Weapons" table from the Items sheet, it randomly selects from all of the rows for that group. If the result was between 71-90 (Ranged weapon), then on the "Mundane, Ranged Weapons" table from the Items sheet, it randomly selects from all of the rows for that group.

If the result was between 91-100, it works the same way it works on the Armors example, except that it first rolls again to determine if the result is 01-70 (Melee weapon) or 71-90 (Ranged weapon), and then it rolls on the corresponding Melee or Ranged "Unusual Materials" table on the Charts sheet, followed by generating a random result based on a range of values (column F) corresponding to the Melee or Ranged "Unusual Materials" table on the Items sheet.

For example, if the "Mundane Items (Weapons)" table result from the Charts sheet was between 91-100, then it "rolled" again on the "Mundane Items (Weapons)" table with a result between 01-70 (Melee weapon), then it "rolls" on the "Melee Weapons Unusual Materials" table (because it is a Melee weapon and not a Ranged weapon) from the Charts sheet and gets a result of 68-79 (251 gp - 600 gp), then on the "Mundane, Melee Weapons, Unusual Material" table from the Items sheet, it randomly selects from the rows containing a value between 251 - 600 in column F, which lets say the random result was "Weapon Unusual Material 7". The final result for the mundane random item is: "Weapon Unusual Material 7".

If the first result on the "Mundane Items (Weapons)" table from the Charts sheet was between 01 -70 rather than 91-100, then it simply "rolls" on the "Mundane, Melee Weapons" table from the Items sheet, and randomly selects from all of the rows for that group. Lets say the random result from the "Mundane, Melee Weapons" table on the Items sheet was "Melee Weapon 3", the final result for the mundane random item is: "Melee Weapon 3".

minor, medium, & major

These all work the same, but I will just explain how the "minor" group works.

References the "Minor Magic Item Generation" group on the Charts sheet. The first table in the group is a list of potential items. A % is "rolled" (as in column B) to determine which secondary table to roll on.

The "Minor Item Generation" group items called "Potions, Rings, Rods, Staffs, Wands, & Wondrous items" work the same as the gems and art tables. I will explain how the "Armor and shields, Weapons, and Scrolls (1d4 spells)" work:

Minor Armor and shields:
If the result was 01-10 for "Armor and shields", then it references the "Armor and Shields (Minor)" group on the Charts sheet. It then "rolls" a % between 1-100 (as in column B) on the "Armor and Shields (Minor)" table and references the appropriate row.

If the result is between 61-80 (+1 armor), it then references the "Mundane Items (Armors)" table on the Charts sheet and follows the exact same procedure as explained above when rolling for mundane items. The only difference is that the final result will start by displaying a "+1" before the name. So lets say we had the same results as when we rolled the mundane item, this minor item result would be "+1 Armor Unusual Material 8".

The "Armor and Shields (Minor)" table can have a result (92-100) "Roll again & roll on Special Ability table". This requires an additional "roll" on the "Armor and Shields (Minor)" table to determine if the result is +1 shield, +1 armor, +2 shield, or +2 armor (following the same steps as before), along with a roll on the "Armor Special Abilities (Minor)" table (if armor) or "Shield Special Abilities (Minor)" table (if shield) on the Charts sheet. Both of these results references the appropriate tables on the Items sheet ("Armor, Magic Special Ability" table or "Shield, Magic Special Ability" table). It will randomly select from the rows containing a value between the range given from the table on the Charts sheet as it does in previous examples.

One difference is that the "Armor Special Abilities (Minor)" and "Shield Special Abilities (Minor) tables can have a result of 100 (Roll twice again) which means that it "rolls" twice on that table so that the final result has two options selected from the rows on the "Armor, Magic Special Ability" or "Shield, Magic Special Ability" table on the Items chart.

For example, performing these steps could give a final result for the minor random item as: "+2 Armor, Ability 2, Armor, Ability 13, Armor Unusual Material 8".

"Armor and Shields (Minor)" table - (92-100, Roll again & roll on Special Ability table) = (86-87, +2 armor) = "+2....."
"Armor Special Abilities (Minor)" table - (100, Roll twice again) = First roll (26-32, +1 bonus)
"Armor, Magic Special Ability" table - random row = (Armor, Ability 2) = "+2 Armor, Ability 2....."
"Armor Special Abilities (Minor)" table - Second roll (33-92, +2,701 gp - +3,750 gp)
"Armor, Magic Special Ability" table - random row = (Armor, Ability 13) = "+2 Armor, Ability 2, Armor Ability 13....."
"Mundane Items (Armors)" table - (92-100, Roll on Unusual Material table)
"Mundane Items (Armor Unusual Materials)" - (80-91, 601 gp - 1,500 gp)
"Mundane, Armors, Unusual Material" - random row = (Armor Unusual Material 8) = "+2 Armor, Ability 2, Armor Ability 13, Armor Unusual Material 8".

Another possibility on the "Armor and Shields (Minor)" table is having a result (88-89) "Roll on Specific Armor table" or (90-91) "Roll on Specific Shield table". If it was (88-89) "Roll on Specific Armor table", this requires a "roll" on the "Specific Armors (Minor)" table on the Charts sheet. It then references the group of rows on the Items sheet titled "Armor, Magic Specific" and performs the same action as when rolling on the gems or art tables (referencing the rows of the appropriate range values in column F).

Minor Weapons:
If the result was 11-20 for "Weapons", then it references the "Weapons (Minor)" group on the Charts sheet. It then "rolls" a % between 1-100 (as in column B) on the "Weapons (Minor)" table and references the appropriate row.

If the result is between 01-70 (+1 weapon & roll on Mundane Items (Weapons)), it then references the "Mundane Items (Weapons)" table on the Charts sheet and follows the exact same procedure as explained above when rolling for mundane items. The only difference is that the final result will start by displaying a "+1" before the name. So lets say we had the same results as when we rolled the mundane weapon, this minor item result would be "+1 Weapon Unusual Material 7" or "+1 Melee Weapon 3".

The "Weapons (Minor)" table can have a result (91-100) "Roll again & roll on Special Ability table". This requires an additional "roll" on the "Weapons (Minor)" table to determine if the result is +1 weapon, or +2 weapon (following the same steps as before), along with a roll on the "Weapon Special Abilities (Minor)" table on the Charts sheet. This result references the "Weapons, Magic Special Ability" table on the Items sheet. It will randomly select from the rows containing a value between the range given from the table on the Charts sheet as it does in previous examples.

One difference is that the "Weapon Special Abilities (Minor)" table can have a result of 100 (Roll twice again) which means that it "rolls" twice on that table so that the final result has two options selected from the rows on the "Weapons, Magic Special Ability" table on the Items chart. This works just like when rolling on the "Armor Special Abilities (Minor)" table on the Charts sheet.

Another possibility on the "Weapons (Minor)" table is having a result (86-90) "Roll on Specific Weapon table". This requires a "roll" on the "Specific Weapons (Minor)" table on the Charts sheet. It then references the group of rows on the Items sheet titled "Weapons, Magic Specific" and performs the same action as when rolling on the gems or art tables (referencing the rows of the appropriate range values in column F).

Scrolls (1d4 spells):

If the result was 51-65 for "Scrolls (1d4 spells)", it first determines how many times to perform this operation, up to 4 times (hence the 1d4). It references the "Scrolls (Minor)" group on the Charts sheet that amount of times. It then "rolls" a % between 1-100 (as in column B) on the "Scrolls (Minor)" table and references the appropriate row.

It "rolls" a % between 1-100 (as in column B) on the "Scrolls (Minor)" table on the Charts sheet and references the appropriate row. If the result was between 01-70 (Acane), it then references the "Arcane Scroll Spell Levels (Minor)" table on the Charts sheet. If the result was between 71-100 (Divine), it then references the "Divine Scroll Spell Levels (Minor)" table on the Charts sheet.

The Column B in the "Arcane Scroll Spell Levels (Minor)" and "Divine Scroll Spell Levels (Minor)" tables indicates which table to "roll" on in the Items sheet. For example, result 01-05 - 0 (CL 1) on the "Arcane Scroll Spell Levels (Minor)" table requires a "roll" on the "Scrolls, Arcane 0 (CL 1)" table on the Items sheet. Similarly, a result 01-05 - 0 (CL 1) on the "Divine Scroll Spell Levels (Minor)" table requires a "roll" on the "Scrolls, Divine 0 (CL 1)" table on the Items sheet. It then randomly selects from all of the rows for that group on th Items sheet.
Hi Oryan77,

I have had a read through of your proposal / suggestion and must say this kind of interesting use of Excel is right up my street. The majority of, if not all of what you outline above is possible although some of it might be a little complicated.

Ok, so first and foremost let me say that I am by no means an expert but am learning fast and am always interested in looking at new uses for the Excel framework. I am more than happy to try and offer help and suggestions where I can, but I can't promise how much time I can devote to it as I obviously have work commitments, plus a couple of my own projects I am working on, coupled with being the father to a very demanding 2 year old little girl. That said however, if you want to drop me a PM with an email address or something I will certainly try and help where I can.

I must confess the first thing I did when I read this and downloaded your workbook was to set up dice rolls. The following command will no doubt become your friend over the duration of this project:


Where the numbers in bold can be amended to suit the required number of dice sides (100 sided dice in my example above, obviously). The dice automatically rolls any time a change is made to the spreadsheet, or when you press F9 to calculate the sheet.

You can obviously have several of these cells in a row for where things like 4D6 are required, and all dice will roll together when you hit F9. Given some more time I will think of a more glamorous way of selecting and displaying the dice but I thought you might like to have a starting point.

Anyways, I digress....

Drop me a PM if you are interested in finding out more.


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I've managed to whip up a simple system where you select a number of dice needed, select how many sides the dice have, the click roll and it will roll that many x-sided dice, showing the value of each and giving the total roll at then end.

With a little tweaking this could also be modified to deal with single rolls involving a variety of sided-dice, but depending on the game you are playing this may not actually be required.
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Hi, I really appreciate you actually looking into this for me. I really didn't think anyone would be interested in doing this with me. I figured my first post would be too discouraging to read over. I was hoping someone would think of it just like you have where it would be seen as a fun challenge and experiment. Thanks!

I will PM you my email address. I check my email often and I am more than glad to communicate as needed in hopes of creating this tool. Getting this done would be a huge time saver for what I plan to use it for. Plus it would just be really cool. :stickouttounge:
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