Help changing code to repeat action 5 times


Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
Office Version
  1. 2019
  1. Windows
Hello again friends!

The following code works perfectly to send email from my personal gmail, adding an attachment along the way. I need this action to occur 5 times however (without having to change the code and rerun it every time of course). What I mean is that I need the code to loop through & do the same thing 5 times back to back (there will be different recipients & attachments with each send).

Thanks for any help!

VBA Code:
Sub Send_Email_With_Gmail()

    Dim newMail As CDO.Message
    Dim mailConfiguration As CDO.Configuration
    Dim fields As Variant
    Dim msConfigURL As String
    On Error GoTo errHandle
    Set newMail = New CDO.Message
    Set mailConfiguration = New CDO.Configuration
    mailConfiguration.Load -1
    Set fields = mailConfiguration.fields
    With newMail
        .Subject = "R*** ***** *** **-**-***1"
        .From = "r*******"
        .To = "e****"
        .CC = ""
        .BCC = ""
        ' To set email body as HTML, use .HTMLBody
        ' To send a complete webpage, use .CreateMHTMLBody
        .TextBody = "Please see attached report."
        .AddAttachment "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"
    End With
    msConfigURL = ""
    With fields
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/smtpusessl") = True
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/smtpauthenticate") = 1
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/smtpserver") = ""
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/smtpserverport") = 465
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/sendusing") = 2
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/sendusername") = "r*******"
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/sendpassword") = "T*****4"
    End With
    newMail.Configuration = mailConfiguration
    MsgBox "Email has been sent", vbInformation
    '// Release object memory
    Set newMail = Nothing
    Set mailConfiguration = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description, vbInformation
    GoTo exit_line
End Sub
Do each of the 5 different recipients get sent just 1 attachment? Do some recipients not get an attachment? Do some recipients receive more than one attachment?

You may get more responses if you are more specific in the details.
Upvote 0
1st group is people who all get 13 attachments.
2nd group is 3 individuals who get 5 attachments.
Finally there are 3 individuals (3 separate emails) who get 2 attachments each (1 of which is the same report going to all 3 people, and the other of which is different for each person.)

The 13 attachments from the 1st group are ALL the reports available. All the rest of the people are sent various attachments from that batch of 13.
Upvote 0

This is untested and, so use with caution.

But maybe something like this will work for you.

1st we are setting the 13 .pdf links as att_1 to att_13
then we have a loop for the 3 groups, enter the contacts for each group seperated with charracter ;
finally choose what attachemnts for to group 1 2 and 3

like i said, untested, good luck

oh yes, paste the entire code into a new module


VBA Code:
Dim email_who As String
Dim att_1, att_2, att_3, att_4, att_5, att_6, att_7, att_8, att_9, att_10, att_11, att_12, att_13 As String
Dim group As Integer
Sub Send_Email_With_Gmail_new()

att_1 = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf" 'add all 13 attachement links here
att_2 = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf" 'add all 13 attachement links here
att_3 = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf" 'add all 13 attachement links here
att_4 = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf" 'add all 13 attachement links here
att_5 = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf" 'add all 13 attachement links here
att_6 = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf" 'add all 13 attachement links here
att_7 = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf" 'add all 13 attachement links here
att_8 = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf" 'add all 13 attachement links here
att_9 = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf" 'add all 13 attachement links here
att_10 = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf" 'add all 13 attachement links here
att_11 = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf" 'add all 13 attachement links here
att_12 = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf" 'add all 13 attachement links here
att_13 = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf" 'add all 13 attachement links here

For group = 1 To 3
        If group = 1 Then
            email_who = "R*** ***** *** **-**-***1;R*** ***** *** **-**-***1" ' add all the contacts you want to email group 1 seperated with ;
        End If
         If group = 2 Then
            email_who = "R*** ***** *** **-**-***1;R*** ***** *** **-**-***1" ' add all the contacts you want to email group 2 seperated with ;
        End If
        If group = 3 Then
            email_who = "R*** ***** *** **-**-***1;R*** ***** *** **-**-***1" ' add all the contacts you want to email group 3 seperated with ;
        End If
Next group

    '// Release object memory
    Set newMail = Nothing
    Set mailConfiguration = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description, vbInformation
    GoTo exit_line
End Sub

Sub send_mail()

Dim newMail As CDO.Message
Dim mailConfiguration As CDO.Configuration
Dim fields As Variant
Dim msConfigURL As String
On Error GoTo errHandle
Set newMail = New CDO.Message
Set mailConfiguration = New CDO.Configuration
mailConfiguration.Load -1
Set fields = mailConfiguration.fields

   With newMail
        .Subject = "R*** ***** *** **-**-***1"
        .From = "r*******"
        .to = email_who
        .TextBody = "Please see attached report."
            If group = 1 Then
                .AddAttachment att_1 'change to as desired
                .AddAttachment att_2
                .AddAttachment att_3
                .AddAttachment att_4
                .AddAttachment att_5
            End If
            If group = 2 Then
                .AddAttachment att_4
                .AddAttachment att_5
                .AddAttachment att_6
                .AddAttachment att_7
                .AddAttachment att_8
            End If
            If group = 3 Then
                .AddAttachment att_9
                .AddAttachment att_10
                .AddAttachment att_11
                .AddAttachment att_12
                .AddAttachment att_13
            End If
    End With
    msConfigURL = ""
    With fields
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/smtpusessl") = True
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/smtpauthenticate") = 1
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/smtpserver") = ""
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/smtpserverport") = 465
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/sendusing") = 2
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/sendusername") = "r*******"
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/sendpassword") = "T*****4"
    End With
    newMail.Configuration = mailConfiguration
    MsgBox "Email has been sent", vbInformation

End Sub
Upvote 0
@SQUIDD I don't think you will get your intended desired result from the Dim line that you posted:

VBA Code:
Dim att_1, att_2, att_3, att_4, att_5, att_6, att_7, att_8, att_9, att_10, att_11, att_12, att_13 As String

That line of code will only Dim att_13 as string

The rest of them will be Dimmed as variants. :oops:.

You can combine all of them on one line to shorten code, but you have to include 'As blahblah' after each one to Dim them as you intend.
Last edited:
Upvote 0
Hi JonnyL

Thanks for the catch. Written now out as individules
noticed a couple of other errors in the code. OP wanted 5 scenarios, so change that now too.
And the error handler was in the wrong sub.

see updated below

VBA Code:
Dim email_who As String
Dim att_1 As String: Dim att_2 As String: Dim att_3 As String: Dim att_4 As String: Dim att_5 As String
Dim att_6 As String: Dim att_7 As String: Dim att_8 As String: Dim att_9 As String: Dim att_10 As String
Dim att_11 As String: Dim att_12 As String: Dim att_13 As String: Dim att_14 As String
Dim group As Integer
Sub Send_Email_With_Gmail()

att_1 = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf" 'add all 13 attachement links here
att_2 = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf" 'add all 13 attachement links here
att_3 = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf" 'add all 13 attachement links here
att_4 = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf" 'add all 13 attachement links here
att_5 = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf" 'add all 13 attachement links here
att_6 = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf" 'add all 13 attachement links here
att_7 = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf" 'add all 13 attachement links here
att_8 = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf" 'add all 13 attachement links here
att_9 = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf" 'add all 13 attachement links here
att_10 = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf" 'add all 13 attachement links here
att_11 = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf" 'add all 13 attachement links here
att_12 = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf" 'add all 13 attachement links here
att_13 = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf" 'add all 13 attachement links here

For group = 1 To 5
        If group = 1 Then
            email_who = "R*** ***** *** **-**-***1;R*** ***** *** **-**-***1" ' add all the contacts you want to email group 1 seperated with ;
        End If
         If group = 2 Then
            email_who = "R*** ***** *** **-**-***1;R*** ***** *** **-**-***1" ' add all the contacts you want to email group 2 seperated with ;
        End If
        If group = 3 Then
            email_who = "R*** ***** *** **-**-***1;R*** ***** *** **-**-***1" ' add all the contacts you want to email group 3 seperated with ;
        End If
        If group = 4 Then
            email_who = "R*** ***** *** **-**-***1;R*** ***** *** **-**-***1" ' add all the contacts you want to email group 4 seperated with ;
        End If
        If group = 5 Then
            email_who = "R*** ***** *** **-**-***1;R*** ***** *** **-**-***1" ' add all the contacts you want to email group 5 seperated with ;
        End If
Next group

End Sub

Sub send_mail()

Dim newMail As CDO.Message
Dim mailConfiguration As CDO.Configuration
Dim fields As Variant
Dim msConfigURL As String
On Error GoTo errHandle
Set newMail = New CDO.Message
Set mailConfiguration = New CDO.Configuration
mailConfiguration.Load -1
Set fields = mailConfiguration.fields

   With newMail
        .Subject = "R*** ***** *** **-**-***1"
        .From = "r*******"
        .To = email_who
        .TextBody = "Please see attached report."
            If group = 1 Then
                .AddAttachment att_1 'change to as desired
                .AddAttachment att_2
                .AddAttachment att_3
                .AddAttachment att_4
                .AddAttachment att_5
            End If
            If group = 2 Then
                .AddAttachment att_4
                .AddAttachment att_5
                .AddAttachment att_6
                .AddAttachment att_7
                .AddAttachment att_8
            End If
            If group = 3 Then
                .AddAttachment att_9
                .AddAttachment att_10
                .AddAttachment att_11
                .AddAttachment att_12
                .AddAttachment att_13
            End If
            If group = 4 Then
                .AddAttachment att_9
                .AddAttachment att_10
                .AddAttachment att_11
                .AddAttachment att_12
                .AddAttachment att_13
            End If
            If group = 5 Then
                .AddAttachment att_9
                .AddAttachment att_10
                .AddAttachment att_11
                .AddAttachment att_12
                .AddAttachment att_13
            End If
    End With
    msConfigURL = ""
    With fields
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/smtpusessl") = True
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/smtpauthenticate") = 1
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/smtpserver") = ""
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/smtpserverport") = 465
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/sendusing") = 2
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/sendusername") = "r*******"
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/sendpassword") = "T*****4"
    End With
    newMail.Configuration = mailConfiguration
    MsgBox "Email has been sent", vbInformation

    '// Release object memory
    Set newMail = Nothing
    Set mailConfiguration = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description, vbInformation
    GoTo exit_line

End Sub
Upvote 0
You can create multiple declarations & their data types on a single line for each Dim statement without repeating it

VBA Code:
Dim att_1 As String, att_2 As String, att_3 As String, att_4 As String, att_5 As String
Dim att_6 As String, att_7 As String, att_8 As String, att_9 As String, att_10 As String
Dim att_11 As String, att_12 As String, att_13 As String, att_14 As String

But rather than create multiple variables of same data type you could consider using an array

VBA Code:
Dim att(1 To 13) As String
att(1) = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"  'add all 13 attachement links here
att(2) = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"  'add all 13 attachement links here
att(3) = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"  'add all 13 attachement links here
att(4) = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"  'add all 13 attachement links here
att(5) = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"  'add all 13 attachement links here
att(6) = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"  'add all 13 attachement links here
att(7) = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"  'add all 13 attachement links here
att(8) = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"  'add all 13 attachement links here
att(9) = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"  'add all 13 attachement links here
att(10) = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"  'add all 13 attachement links here
att(11) = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"  'add all 13 attachement links here
att(12) = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"  'add all 13 attachement links here
att(13) = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"  'add all 13 attachement links here

Upvote 0
So I think this where we are at now:

VBA Code:
    Dim att(1 To 13) As String
    Dim email_who As String
    Dim group As Long

Sub Send_Email_With_Gmail()
    att(1) = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"  'add all 13 attachement links here
    att(2) = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"  'add all 13 attachement links here
    att(3) = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"  'add all 13 attachement links here
    att(4) = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"  'add all 13 attachement links here
    att(5) = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"  'add all 13 attachement links here
    att(6) = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"  'add all 13 attachement links here
    att(7) = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"  'add all 13 attachement links here
    att(8) = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"  'add all 13 attachement links here
    att(9) = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"  'add all 13 attachement links here
    att(10) = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"  'add all 13 attachement links here
    att(11) = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"  'add all 13 attachement links here
    att(12) = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"  'add all 13 attachement links here
    att(13) = "C:\Users\********\Downloads\****** 7-13-2021 (PDF).pdf"  'add all 13 attachement links here

    For group = 1 To 5
        If group = 1 Then email_who = "R***;R***;R***;R***"
        If group = 2 Then email_who = "R***;R***;R***" ' add all the contacts you want to the email group seperated with ;
        If group = 3 Then email_who = "R***"                                 ' add all the contacts you want to the email group seperated with ;
        If group = 4 Then email_who = "R***"                                 ' add all the contacts you want to the email group seperated with ;
        If group = 5 Then email_who = "R***"                                 ' add all the contacts you want to the email group seperated with ;
    Next group
End Sub

Sub send_mail()
    Dim newMail             As CDO.Message
    Dim mailConfiguration   As CDO.Configuration
    Dim fields              As Variant
    Dim msConfigURL         As String
    On Error GoTo errHandle
    Set newMail = New CDO.Message
    Set mailConfiguration = New CDO.Configuration
    mailConfiguration.Load -1
    Set fields = mailConfiguration.fields
    With newMail
        .Subject = "R*** ***** *** **-**-***1"
        .From = "r*******"
        .To = email_who
        .CC = ""
        .BCC = ""
'       To set email body as HTML, use .HTMLBody
'       To send a complete webpage, use .CreateMHTMLBody
        .TextBody = "Please see attached report."
        Select Case group
            Case 1
                .AddAttachment att(1)
                .AddAttachment att(2)
                .AddAttachment att(3)
                .AddAttachment att(4)
                .AddAttachment att(5)
                .AddAttachment att(6)
                .AddAttachment att(7)
                .AddAttachment att(8)
                .AddAttachment att(9)
                .AddAttachment att(10)
                .AddAttachment att(11)
                .AddAttachment att(12)
                .AddAttachment att(13)
            Case 2
                .AddAttachment att(1) 'change to desired
                .AddAttachment att(2)
                .AddAttachment att(3)
                .AddAttachment att(12)
                .AddAttachment att(13)
            Case 3
                .AddAttachment att(1) 'change to desired
                .AddAttachment att(2)
            Case 4
                .AddAttachment att(1) 'change to desired
                .AddAttachment att(3)
            Case 5
                .AddAttachment att(1) 'change to desired
                .AddAttachment att(4)
        End Select
    End With
    msConfigURL = ""
    With fields
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/smtpusessl") = True
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/smtpauthenticate") = 1
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/smtpserver") = ""
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/smtpserverport") = 465
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/sendusing") = 2
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/sendusername") = "r*******"
        .Item(msConfigURL & "/sendpassword") = "T*****4"
    End With
    newMail.Configuration = mailConfiguration
    MsgBox "Email has been sent", vbInformation
    '// Release object memory
    Set newMail = Nothing
    Set mailConfiguration = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description, vbInformation
    GoTo exit_line
End Sub
Upvote 0
Thank you all so much for all of your help! Sorry, I've been super-busy so I let this thread dry out a little. I'm in the middle of several other projects right now, but I will circle back with this as soon as I can & gladly report back how it works for me. Again, very appreciative of each of you giving me your time!!!(y)
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