Hi guys
Posting here as I've just joined the board. I've used it as a resource for finding solutions for some time - it's great
I've actually signed up today as I've hit an issue I can't think or google my way out of concerning VBA in excel. However, I don't seem to be able to post a new thread in the excel forum due to my permissions? Perhaps there's a hoop I need to jump through that I've overlooked
Anyway, hello all
Posting here as I've just joined the board. I've used it as a resource for finding solutions for some time - it's great

I've actually signed up today as I've hit an issue I can't think or google my way out of concerning VBA in excel. However, I don't seem to be able to post a new thread in the excel forum due to my permissions? Perhaps there's a hoop I need to jump through that I've overlooked

Anyway, hello all
