You're welcome. Glad Xenou and I could assist.
I'm not totally out of the woods yet. I get the error "Command Text was not set for Command Object". This is my code. I'm adding in 1 record, at the end of the datafile. This occurs at the Rst.Open line. I have programmed, but generally speaking, I was dealing with logical problems, and I didn't have to get involved with objects and properties, and I'm getting tripped up because this is my first excursion into this area. Thans.
Sub Macro1()
Dim CnnConn As ADODB.Connection
Dim Rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim DBFullName As String
Dim Cs1 As String
'Select Worksheet
F1 = Range("C3").Value
F2 = Range("C5").Value
DBFullName = F2
Cs1 = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source="
Set CnnConn = New ADODB.Connection
With CnnConn
.connectionString = Cs1
.Open DBFullName
End With
'Setup Record
Set Rst = New ADODB.Recordset
Rst.ActiveConnection = CnnConn
Rst.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
Rst.LockType = adLockOptimistic
Rst.CursorLocation = adUseServer
Rst.Source = sSql
'Record Here
Rst.Fields("Acct Number") = ActiveCell.Offset(1, 1).Value
Rst.Fields("Data Source") = ActiveCell.Offset(2, 1).Value
Rst.Fields("Entity") = ActiveCell.Offset(3, 1).Value
Rst.Fields("GL Number") = ActiveCell.Offset(4, 1).Value
Rst.Fields("Loan Group") = ActiveCell.Offset(5, 1).Value
Rst.Fields("GL Group") = ActiveCell.Offset(6, 1).Value
Rst.Fields("Orig Date") = ActiveCell.Offset(7, 1).Value
Rst.Fields("Orig Trem") = ActiveCell.Offset(8, 1).Value
Rst.Fields("RemWam") = ActiveCell.Offset(9, 1).Value
Rst.Fields("Org Amt") = ActiveCell.Offset(10, 1).Value
Rst.Fields("Pr Bal") = ActiveCell.Offset(11, 1).Value
Rst.Fields("Intr Rate") = ActiveCell.Offset(12, 1).Value
Rst.Fields("Maturity Date") = ActiveCell.Offset(13, 1).Value
Rst.Fields("Balloon Date") = ActiveCell.Offset(14, 1).Value
Rst.Fields("DueDate") = ActiveCell.Offset(15, 1).Value
Rst.Fields("RateFlag") = ActiveCell.Offset(16, 1).Value
Rst.Fields("AMICategory") = ActiveCell.Offset(17, 1).Value
Rst.Fields("CurrBalxRate") = ActiveCell.Offset(18, 1).Value
Rst.Fields("CurrBalxOrigWam") = ActiveCell.Offset(19, 1).Value
Rst.Fields("CurrBalxRWam") = ActiveCell.Offset(20, 1).Value
End Sub