Public Sub UserForm_Initialize()
' Public variables used in this subprocedure are declared in AllPublicVariables module
' under section - AddMethodToTemplate USERFORM public variables
' Instantiating classes for process and method stages defined in class modules
' 1. ClassForManualMethod 2. ClassForManualStages
Set AllEventClassInstancesOfProcessSteps = New Collection
Set AllEventClassInstancesOfMethodStages = New Collection
' Defining button (toggle or command) labels based on closed/open state
TemplateOpen = "Modify Existing Method" ' First Toggle Button label when existing method frame is not visible
TemplateClose = "Close Existing Method" ' First Toggle Button label when existing method frame is visible
AddStageOpen = "Add Method Manually" ' Second Toggle Button label when new method frame is not visible
AddStageClose = "Close Add Method Manually" ' Second Toggle Button label when new method frame is visible
AppendStageOpen = "Append Stages to Template" ' Third Toggle Button label when new method and existing method frames are not visible
AppendStageClose = "Close Append Stages" ' Third Toggle Button label when new method and existing method frames are visible
LabelAddStages = "No. of stages to add" ' First label when new method frame is visible
LabelAppendStages = "No. of stages to append" ' Second label when new method and existing method frames are visible
BtnAddStages = "Add" ' First button label when new method frame is visible
BtnAppendStages = "Append" ' Second button label when new method and existing method frames are visible
' Determining USERFORM height at various stages
' (initial, only-template, manual stages, append stages) of user's choices
' Userform Height = top buttons top plus top buttons height plus buffer
InitialUserFormHeight = CLng(tglChangeTemplate.Top + tglChangeTemplate.Height + 35)
Me.Height = InitialUserFormHeight
' Userform Top = Application screen height divided by 2 to put in middle
Me.Top = (Application.UsableHeight / 2)
' Userform Left = Left location of application plus application screen width divided by 4 to put in middle
Me.Left = Application.Left + (Application.UsableWidth / 4)
' Only-template USERFORM height
OnlyTemplateHeight = CLng(frmModifyTemplate.Top + frmModifyTemplate.Height + 30)
' Manual stages USERFORM top
AddStageManuallyFrameTopInitial = CLng(frmAddStagesManually.Top)
' Manual stages USERFORM height = modified frame top (as updated after adding no. of new method steps) + manual stages frame height
OnlyAddStageHeight = CLng(AddStageManuallyFrameTopModified + frmAddStagesManually.Height + 30)
' Append stages USERFORM height = existing method frame height + manual stages frame height
BothTemplateAndAddStageHeight = CLng(OnlyTemplateHeight + OnlyAddStageHeight - 60)
' Toggle state and caption for 'Append Stages to Existing Method' toggle button
tglAppendStagesToTemplate.Value = False
tglAppendStagesToTemplate.Caption = AppendStageOpen
' Toggle state and caption for 'Add All Stages Manually' toggle button
tglAddStagesManually.Value = False
tglAddStagesManually.Caption = AddStageOpen
' Toggle state and caption for 'Modify existing method' toggle button
tglChangeTemplate.Value = False
tglChangeTemplate.Caption = TemplateOpen
' Get the dynamic pre-populated textboxes for existing method from the tmpOperation table in BatchTemplate worksheet
' Set current worksheet as BatchTemplate and range as 'tmpOperation' table
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchTemplate")
Dim rng As Range: Set rng = ws.Range("tmpOperation")
' Declare loop variables
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
' Declare USERFORM controls
Dim TextBoxCtrl As MSForms.Control
Dim TextBoxCtrlPrev As MSForms.Control
' Declare EventHandler class object for ClassForMethodStages class module
Dim EventHandler As ClassForMethodStages
' Declare and initialize variables and arrays for the dynamic userform labels and controls
' Template Table
Dim TableColumnsCount As Integer: TableColumnsCount = rng.Columns.Count
Dim TableRowsCount As Integer: TableRowsCount = rng.Rows.Count
' Labels
Dim LabelTop As Long: LabelTop = 10
Dim ControlTop As Long
' Controls
Dim LabelControlType As String: LabelControlType = "Forms.Label.1" ' For dynamic labels
Dim TextBoxControlType As String: TextBoxControlType = "Forms.TextBox.1" ' For dynamic textbox controls
' Common variables for labels and controls
Dim HeightValue As Long: HeightValue = CLng(18)
Dim WidthValue As Long: WidthValue = Me.Width / 8.5
' Declaring an array of dynamic labels to be used as column headers
Dim LabelName(25) As Variant
' Looping through labels defined for existing chromatographic method
For j = 1 To TableColumnsCount
' Assigning values to array components in the form of range headers for each column 'j'
LabelName(j) = rng.Cells(rng.ListHeaderRows, j)
' Calling LabelSpecsForFrame subprocedure defined in CalledPublicProcedures module to _
dynamically assign labels to the frame
Call LabelSpecsForFrame(FrameName:= _
AddMethodToTemplate.frmModifyTemplate, _
index:= _
j, _
ControlType:= _
LabelControlType, _
ControlName:= _
CStr("Label" & j), _
ControlHeight:= _
HeightValue + 6, _
ControlWidth:= _
WidthValue, _
ControlLeft:= _
(WidthValue * (j - 1)), _
ControlTop:= _
LabelTop, _
ControlCaption:= _
CStr(LabelName(j)), _
ControlFontBold:= _
True, _
ControlTextAlign:= _
2, _
FontSize:= _
Next j
' Loop through each row of the range
For i = 1 To TableRowsCount
' Defining top position for each row of process stages using ControlTop variable
ControlTop = 36 + 21 * (i - 1)
' Loop through each column of the range
For k = 1 To TableColumnsCount
' Calling ControlSpecsForFrame subprocedure defined in CalledPublicProcedures module to _
dynamically assign controls to the frame
Call ControlSpecsForFrame(FrameName:= _
AddMethodToTemplate.frmModifyTemplate, _
NextControl:= _
TextBoxCtrl, _
PrevControl:= _
TextBoxCtrlPrev, _
ControlType:= _
TextBoxControlType, _
ControlName:= _
CStr("TextBox" & i & k), _
Height:= _
HeightValue, _
Width:= _
WidthValue, _
Left:= _
WidthValue * (k - 1), _
Top:= _
ControlTop, _
FontBold:= _
False, _
TextAlign:= _
2, _
ValueVal:= _
' Get value in each textbox using the range cells and address
With TextBoxCtrl
.Value = rng.Cells(i, k).Value
' Column address is provided in terms of letter ID using column index values _
by using the function Col_Letter as defined in CalledPublicFunctions module
' CStr is used to convert any data type to a string
.ControlSource = CStr(ws.Name & "!" & Col_Letter(rng.Cells(i + 2, k).Column) & (i + 2))
End With
Select Case k
Case 1 ' Adding event handler for process stage name
Call AddEventHandlerForTemplateProcessStages(EventHandler, TextBoxCtrl, i, Me, AllEventClassInstancesOfMethodStages)
Case 2 ' Adding event handler for total CVs used in process stage
Call AddEventHandlerForTemplateTotalCV(EventHandler, TextBoxCtrl, i, Me, AllEventClassInstancesOfMethodStages)
Case 3 ' Adding event handler for cumulative CVs used till process stage
Call AddEventHandlerForTemplateStopCV(EventHandler, TextBoxCtrl, i, Me, AllEventClassInstancesOfMethodStages)
Case 4 ' Adding event handler for start % concentration of buffer B in process stage
Call AddEventHandlerForTemplateStartPercentB(EventHandler, TextBoxCtrl, i, Me, AllEventClassInstancesOfMethodStages)
Case 5 ' Adding event handler for end % concentration of buffer B in process stage
Call AddEventHandlerForTemplateStopPercentB(EventHandler, TextBoxCtrl, i, Me, AllEventClassInstancesOfMethodStages)
Case 6 ' Adding event handler for maximum delta pressure attained during process stage
Call AddEventHandlerForTemplatePressure(EventHandler, TextBoxCtrl, i, Me, AllEventClassInstancesOfMethodStages)
Case 7 ' Adding event handler for average pH attained during process stage
Call AddEventHandlerForTemplatepH(EventHandler, TextBoxCtrl, i, Me, AllEventClassInstancesOfMethodStages)
Case 8 ' Adding event handler for average conductivity (mS/cm) attained during process stage
Call AddEventHandlerForTemplateCond(EventHandler, TextBoxCtrl, i, Me, AllEventClassInstancesOfMethodStages)
End Select
Next k
Next i
' Determining height of the existing method frame after getting row and column input from the target table range
frmModifyTemplate.Height = (TableRowsCount * 21) + 60
' Determining the modified 'Add Stages Manually' frame's top value, since it now appears _
below the modified existing method frame
AddStageManuallyFrameTopModified = CLng(frmModifyTemplate.Top + frmModifyTemplate.Height)
End Sub