Function ColLtr(ByVal iCol As Long) As String
' shg 2012
' Good for any positive Long
If iCol > 0 Then ColLtr = ColLtr((iCol - 1) \ 26) & Chr(65 + (iCol - 1) Mod 26)
End Function
Function ColNum(ByVal sCol As String) As Long
' shg 2012
' Good to column FXSHRXW (2147483647)
If Len(sCol) > 0 And _
(Len(sCol) < 7 Or UCase(sCol) <= "FXSHRXW") Then
ColNum = Asc(UCase(Right(sCol, 1))) - 64 _
+ 26 * ColNum(Left(sCol, Len(sCol) - 1))
End If
End Function