Graphing with Dynamic Ranges VBA


New Member
Dec 5, 2011
Hi guys, so I have a userform where a person selects their choices, and based on these choices it will create a graph. All of the dynamic ranges have been constructed correctly as I have checked them several times. Everything seems to work, until I try and add series. On the "GraphARR(icolumn)" I get an error saying that "application defined or object defined error". Please help, I will greatly appreciate it! The code is long, but repetitive (I don't think I coded it the most efficient way possible). The error is in the by the end.

Public Sub cmdgraph_Click()

Dim ada, adb, adc, ad, ade, adf, adg, adh, adi, adj, adepa, adepb, adepc, adepd, adepe, adepf, adepg, adeph, adepi, adepj, _
ocha, ochb, ochc, ochd, oche, ochf, ochg, ochh, ochi, ochj, ochepa, ochepb, ochepc, ochepd, ochepe, ochepf, ochepg, ocheph, ochepi, ochepj, _
pa, pb, pc, pd, pe, pf, pg, ph, pi, pj, popa, popb, popc, popd, pope, popf, popg, poph, popi, popj As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim last_row As Integer
Dim cround As Integer
Dim eround As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim b As Integer
Dim d As Integer
Dim g As Integer
Dim rngchtxval As Range
Dim mychtobj As ChartObject
Dim icolumn As Long
Dim chartrng As Range
Dim yname As String
Dim xname As String
Dim o As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim p As Integer
Dim x2 As Integer
Dim q As Integer
Dim graphARR(1 To 10) As String
Dim c As Integer
Dim num_ser As Integer

Dim j As Integer

xname = "Round"
cround = fromspinbutton.Value + 1
eround = tospinbutton.Value + 1

Worksheets("Graph Range").Range("P2").Value = cround - 1
Worksheets("Graph Range").Range("q2").Value = eround - 1

 ada = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!AD_A"
 adb = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!AD_B"
 adc = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!AD_C"
 ad = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!AD_D"
 ade = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!AD_E"
 adf = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!AD_F"
 adg = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!AD_G"
 adh = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!AD_H"
 adi = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!AD_I"
 adj = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!AD_J"

 adepa = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!ADEP_A"
 adepb = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!ADEP_B"
 adepc = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!ADEP_C"
 adepd = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!ADEP_D"
 adepe = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!ADEP_E"
 adepf = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!ADEP_F"
 adepg = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!ADEP_G"
 adeph = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!ADEP_H"
 adepi = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!ADEP_I"
 adepj = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!ADEP_J"

 pa = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!P_A"
 pb = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!P_B"
 pc = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!P_C"
 pd = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!P_D"
 pe = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!P_E"
 pf = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!P_F"
 pg = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!P_G"
 ph = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!P_H"
 pi = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!P_I"
 pj = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!P_J"

 popa = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!Pop_A"
 popb = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!Pop_B"
 popc = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!Pop_C"
 popd = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!Pop_D"
 pope = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!Pop_E"
 popf = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!Pop_F"
 popg = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!Pop_G"
 poph = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!Pop_H"
 popi = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!Pop_I"
 popj = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!Pop_J"

If eround = 1 Then
    MsgBox ("You have chosen to only graph 1 round of data." & Chr(13) & "Please increase your range to at least 2 rounds.")
    Call UserForm_Initialize
    Exit Sub
End If

With Worksheets("Graphs")

If optdata1 = True Then
    .Range("u1").Value = 1
End If

If optdata2 = True Then
    .Range("u1").Value = 2
End If

If optdata3 = True Then
    .Range("u1").Value = 3
End If

If optdata4 = True Then
    .Range("u1").Value = 4
End If
End With

i = Worksheets("Graphs").Range("u1").Value

If optb = True Then
    Worksheets("Graphs").Range("w1").Value = 1
    yname = "(Bids)"
End If
'Eligibility Points
If optep = True Then
    If Worksheets("Graphs").Range("u1").Value = 2 Or Worksheets("Graphs").Range("u1").Value = 3 Then
    MsgBox ("Error: Eligibility Points cannot be used with Price graphs.  Please change your selection")
    Exit Sub
    Worksheets("Graphs").Range("w1").Value = 2
    yname = "(Eligibility Points)"
    End If
End If

'this is the position in graphARR
c = 1

If Sheets("Graphs").Range("V1") = True Then
    For n = 2 To 11
    Sheets("Graphs").Cells(n, 22) = True
End If

With Sheets("Graphs")

Select Case i

    Case Is = 1
        If .Range("w1") = 2 Then
            'they want points
            Worksheets("graph range").Activate
            If .Cells(2, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = adepa
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(3, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = adepb
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(4, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = adepc
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(5, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = adepd
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(6, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = adepe
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(7, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = adepf
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(8, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = adepg
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(9, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = adeph
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(10, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = adepi
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(11, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = adepj
            c = c + 1
            End If

            Worksheets("graph range").Activate
            If .Cells(2, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = ada
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(3, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = adb
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(4, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = adc
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(5, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = ad
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(6, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = ade
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(7, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = adf
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(8, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = adg
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(9, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = adh
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(10, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = adi
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(11, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = adj
            c = c + 1
            End If
        End If
    yname = "Demand" & " " & yname

    Case Is = 2
            Worksheets("graph range").Activate
            If .Cells(2, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = pa
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(3, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = pb
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(4, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = pc
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(5, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = pd
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(6, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = pe
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(7, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = pf
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(8, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = pg
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(9, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = ph
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(10, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = pi
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(11, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = pj
            c = c + 1
            End If
    yname = "Price"

    Case Is = 3
    Worksheets("graph range").Activate
            If .Cells(2, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = popa
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(3, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = popb
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(4, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = popc
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(5, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = popd
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(6, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = pope
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(7, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = popf
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(8, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = popg
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(9, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = poph
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(10, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = popi
            c = c + 1
            End If
            If .Cells(11, 22) = True Then
            graphARR(c) = popj
            c = c + 1
            End If
    yname = "Price per Pop"

    End Select

    End With

'The Number of Series that needs to be added
num_ser = c - 1

Worksheets("graph range").Activate
Set rngchtxval = Worksheets("Graph Range").Range("s" & cround - 1, "s" & eround - 1)

    Set mychtobj = Worksheets("Graphs").ChartObjects.Add(Left:=250, Width:=375, Top:=75, Height:=225)


    With ActiveChart

    Do Until .SeriesCollection.Count = 0

    For icolumn = 1 To num_ser
        With ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
           .Values = graphARR(icolumn)
            .XValues = rngchtxval
        End With
  End With

With ActiveChart.Parent
    Set chartrng = Range("B4:W30")
  .Left = chartrng.Left
  .Width = chartrng.Width
  .Top = chartrng.Top
  .Height = chartrng.Height

  End With

Sheets("price").Visible = False
End Sub
Why have you got doubled equals in your definitions:
popa = "=='Workbook1.xlsm'!Pop_A"


Shouldn't that be:
popa = "='Workbook1.xlsm'!Pop_A"
Upvote 0
Also, the named ranges, for example AD_A represent a forumla like

=OFFSET(AggregateDemand!$A$1,'Graph Range'!$P$2,1,'Graph Range'!$Q$2-'Graph Range'!$P$2+1,1)

When I go into the name manager and click this range, it produces the correct range.
Upvote 0
Did you go into Debug mode, and look at the value of graphARR(icolumn)?

And what is displayed in the immediate window when you type
? ActiveWorkbook.Name
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