Good day,
I managed to get the following VBA below a while back from somewhere and it was working and now all of sudden I am getting an error and can't seem to find a solution. Hope fully someone can assist.
The error I am getting is
Compile error:
User-define type not defined
The part highlighted in red seems to be the problem
I managed to get the following VBA below a while back from somewhere and it was working and now all of sudden I am getting an error and can't seem to find a solution. Hope fully someone can assist.
The error I am getting is
Compile error:
User-define type not defined
The part highlighted in red seems to be the problem
Function MyGeocode(address As String) As String Dim strAddress As String
Dim strQuery As String
Dim strLatitude As String
Dim strLongitude As String
strAddress = URLEncode(address)
'Assemble the query string
strQuery = ""
strQuery = strQuery & "address=" & strAddress
strQuery = strQuery & "&sensor=false"
'define XML and HTTP components
[COLOR=#ff0000] Dim googleResult As New MSXML2.DOMDocument[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#ff0000] Dim googleService As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP[/COLOR]
Dim oNodes As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
'create HTTP request to query URL - make sure to have
'that last "False" there for synchronous operation
googleService.Open "GET", strQuery, False
googleResult.LoadXML (googleService.responseText)
Set oNodes = googleResult.getElementsByTagName("geometry")
If oNodes.Length = 1 Then
For Each oNode In oNodes
strLatitude = oNode.ChildNodes(0).ChildNodes(0).Text
strLongitude = oNode.ChildNodes(0).ChildNodes(1).Text
MyGeocode = strLatitude & "," & strLongitude
Next oNode
MyGeocode = "Not Found (try again, you may have done too many too fast)"
End If