I use below =Translate() function to translate a text
the below code works on all language except english to arabic (it works arabic to english)
what is wrong in this code?? or can anyone suggest a alternate code for translating english to arabic
I use below =Translate() function to translate a text
the below code works on all language except english to arabic (it works arabic to english)
what is wrong in this code?? or can anyone suggest a alternate code for translating english to arabic
Function ConvertToGet(val As String)
val = Replace(val, " ", "+")
val = Replace(val, vbNewLine, "+")
val = Replace(val, "(", "%28")
val = Replace(val, ")", "%29")
ConvertToGet = val
End Function
Function Clean(val As String)
val = Replace(val, """, """")
val = Replace(val, "%2C", ",")
val = Replace(val, "'", "'")
Clean = val
End Function
Public Function RegexExecute(str As String, reg As String, _
Optional matchIndex As Long, _
Optional subMatchIndex As Long) As String
On Error GoTo ErrHandl
Set regex = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp"): regex.Pattern = reg
regex.Global = Not (matchIndex = 0 And subMatchIndex = 0) 'For efficiency
If regex.Test(str) Then
Set matches = regex.Execute(str)
RegexExecute = matches(matchIndex).SubMatches(subMatchIndex)
Exit Function
End If
RegexExecute = CVErr(xlErrValue)
End Function
Public Function Translate(rng As Range, Optional translateFrom As String = "en", Optional translateTo As String = "ar")
Dim getParam As String, trans As String, objHTTP As Object, URL As String
Set objHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
getParam = ConvertToGet(rng.Value)
URL = "https://translate.google.pl/m?hl=" & translateFrom & "&sl=" & translateFrom & "&tl=" & translateTo & "&ie=UTF-8&prev=_m&q=" & getParam
objHTTP.Open "GET", URL, False
objHTTP.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)"
objHTTP.send ("")
If InStr(objHTTP.responseText, "div dir=""ltr""") > 0 Then
trans = RegexExecute(objHTTP.responseText, "div[^""]*?""ltr"".*?>(.+?)")
Translate = Clean(trans)
Translate = CVErr(xlErrValue)
End If
End Function
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