I post this in the original thread, but it looks to be buried.
I am having trouble making this work in my sheet. My data validation list is in cell G2 and my named ranged is stg_select (cells C1901:C1950). The corresponding rows to jump to are B1901:B1950. These are both in the same sheet as the validation list. Hence, ActiveSheet after the vFIND=. It doesn't error out, it just doesn't do anything. Here's my code (pasted into the sheet code):
What am I missing? Thanks in advance for the help!
I am having trouble making this work in my sheet. My data validation list is in cell G2 and my named ranged is stg_select (cells C1901:C1950). The corresponding rows to jump to are B1901:B1950. These are both in the same sheet as the validation list. Hence, ActiveSheet after the vFIND=. It doesn't error out, it just doesn't do anything. Here's my code (pasted into the sheet code):
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim vFIND As Range
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("G2")) Is Nothing Then
If Range("G2") = "" Then Exit Sub
On Error Resume Next
Set vFIND = ActiveSheet.Range("stg_select").Find(Range("G2").Value, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If Not vFIND Is Nothing Then Range("A" & vFIND.Offset(, -1).Value).Select
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = Selection.Row
End If
End Sub