Hola, thanks for your time in advance.
I start with a column of names (Column A) that are sorted in a particular way and I would like to get a formula that starts with the number 1 for the first name and increases by 1 everytime a name changes down the column. Essentially it would look like this ...
(A) (B)
Ben 1
Ben 1
Ben 1
Fred 2
Fred 2
Ben 3
Ben 3
Jim 4
Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
I start with a column of names (Column A) that are sorted in a particular way and I would like to get a formula that starts with the number 1 for the first name and increases by 1 everytime a name changes down the column. Essentially it would look like this ...
(A) (B)
Ben 1
Ben 1
Ben 1
Fred 2
Fred 2
Ben 3
Ben 3
Jim 4
Any help is appreciated! Thanks!