i am having truble with my macro maybe some1 can help me out,
i need to get data from a website that requires to log-in, so i set this Vba, and i get an error "object dosent support this property or method" can anyone help me with this?
Sub GetTable()
Dim IEApp As Object
Dim IEDoc As Object
Dim IETable As Object
Dim clip As DataObject
Set IEApp = New InternetExplorer
IEApp.Visible = True
IEApp.Navigate "http://www.sample.com/login.php"
Do While IEApp.Busy: DoEvents: Loop
Do Until IEApp.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE: DoEvents: Loop
Set IEDoc = IEApp.Document
With IEDoc.forms(0)
'HERE I GET THE ERROR "object dosent support this property Or method" '
.email_address.Value = "my user name"
.Password.Value = "my password"
did some1 has an idea where i am going wrong?
i am having truble with my macro maybe some1 can help me out,
i need to get data from a website that requires to log-in, so i set this Vba, and i get an error "object dosent support this property or method" can anyone help me with this?
Sub GetTable()
Dim IEApp As Object
Dim IEDoc As Object
Dim IETable As Object
Dim clip As DataObject
Set IEApp = New InternetExplorer
IEApp.Visible = True
IEApp.Navigate "http://www.sample.com/login.php"
Do While IEApp.Busy: DoEvents: Loop
Do Until IEApp.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE: DoEvents: Loop
Set IEDoc = IEApp.Document
With IEDoc.forms(0)
'HERE I GET THE ERROR "object dosent support this property Or method" '
.email_address.Value = "my user name"
.Password.Value = "my password"
did some1 has an idea where i am going wrong?