I'm usuallypretty good about self-learning/teaching myself enough to do what I need to,but today I'm at a standstill. Two reasons why, one, I can't seem to think ofthe best way to approach what I need to do, and second, trying to google thequestion in my head doesn't translate well at all. So looking to you expertsfor help.
I have aspreadsheet that contains the daily schedule for over 400 people, for a six-monthperiod. The columns are some of the standard information: Last Name, FirstName, Team, Start Time, End Time, Days Off, and then all the columns after thatare the dates through the six months (the rows under the dates either showtheir schedule, 0400-1230, or an anomaly like Mil for military leave). My rowsare all employees.
What I am tryingto accomplish is a close to automatic way to generate sign in sheets that breakdown each person by their Team, AM or PM, and then in alphabetical order. Whatare some of your thoughts on how to accomplish this?
I’ve triedimporting the table in Access, but having 6 months’ worth of field names ismaking that process difficult.
Thank you for anyhelp you can provide.
I have aspreadsheet that contains the daily schedule for over 400 people, for a six-monthperiod. The columns are some of the standard information: Last Name, FirstName, Team, Start Time, End Time, Days Off, and then all the columns after thatare the dates through the six months (the rows under the dates either showtheir schedule, 0400-1230, or an anomaly like Mil for military leave). My rowsare all employees.
What I am tryingto accomplish is a close to automatic way to generate sign in sheets that breakdown each person by their Team, AM or PM, and then in alphabetical order. Whatare some of your thoughts on how to accomplish this?
I’ve triedimporting the table in Access, but having 6 months’ worth of field names ismaking that process difficult.
Thank you for anyhelp you can provide.