In Sheet1!D3 of GRAND EVALUATIONS.XLSM , there is a Date. And the date value varies from time to time. The format of the date value is "05/September/2015".
I am trying to create a code that firstly creates a folder named "September 2015" in "C:\CALCULATIONS\FIRST".After creating that folder it again generates second folder named "5 september 2015" inside the folder "September 2015". Thirdly a .docx file named "Answers.docx" is generated inside the folder "5 September 2015". lastly it copies and pastes the range A1:P54 from sheet named "RESULTS1" , then range A1:P13 from the sheet named "RESULTS2", then again the range A1:G4 from the sheet named "RESULTS3".
Afterwards the Answers.docx saves and closes itself. In the occasion if there is already a folder called "September 2015" then the process is not required to create that folder but is expected to create the folder "5 september 2015" and carry on until the last step. If there is already a folder called "5 september 2015" then it is not necessary to create that folder again and continue. And at last if there is already a .docx file called "Answers.docx" , then it also skips that step.
Thank you
In Sheet1!D3 of GRAND EVALUATIONS.XLSM , there is a Date. And the date value varies from time to time. The format of the date value is "05/September/2015".
I am trying to create a code that firstly creates a folder named "September 2015" in "C:\CALCULATIONS\FIRST".After creating that folder it again generates second folder named "5 september 2015" inside the folder "September 2015". Thirdly a .docx file named "Answers.docx" is generated inside the folder "5 September 2015". lastly it copies and pastes the range A1:P54 from sheet named "RESULTS1" , then range A1:P13 from the sheet named "RESULTS2", then again the range A1:G4 from the sheet named "RESULTS3".
Afterwards the Answers.docx saves and closes itself. In the occasion if there is already a folder called "September 2015" then the process is not required to create that folder but is expected to create the folder "5 september 2015" and carry on until the last step. If there is already a folder called "5 september 2015" then it is not necessary to create that folder again and continue. And at last if there is already a .docx file called "Answers.docx" , then it also skips that step.
Thank you