Hey all.
I’m pretty new to all this VBA still and was looking for a little help. So far, I’ve managed to write a random number generator that produces multiple sets with no repeating numbers per a set.
Now, to step it up a notch, I’m trying to create an even distribution of the numbers generated which is where I could use a hand. Here’s my current code:
Now, as an example I ran that with the ranges set at 1-10, the amount of sets to 100 and 5 results per a set. And at the end I got the following list:
1 = 50 x
2 = 45 x
3 = 56 x
4 = 53x
5 = 61x
6 = 54 x
7 = 47x
8 = 47x
9 = 42x
10 = 45x
Equalling 500 numbers generated as intended, but my target is to get every number with an equal frequency. Is it possible?
Any help/code/link to a forum with examples would be most appreciated.
I’m pretty new to all this VBA still and was looking for a little help. So far, I’ve managed to write a random number generator that produces multiple sets with no repeating numbers per a set.
Now, to step it up a notch, I’m trying to create an even distribution of the numbers generated which is where I could use a hand. Here’s my current code:
Option Base 1
Sub RandomNumberStrings()
Dim rndno As String, strg As String, msg1 As String
Dim r1() As String, r2() As String
Dim l As Integer, u As Integer, NoStr As Integer, SetCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, m As Integer, x As Integer
Dim a As Variant
l = InputBox(Prompt:="Enter Starting Range.", Title:="Start", Default:=1) 'Low number in range
u = InputBox(Prompt:="Enter Ending Range.", Title:="End", Default:=10) 'High number in range
x = 3 ' First Row of output
SetCount = InputBox(Prompt:="Enter Amount of Sets.", Title:="Sets", Default:=100) '# of random number sets
NoStr = InputBox(Prompt:="Enter Amount of Results.", Title:="Results", Default:=5) '# of results to generate
ReDim r1(1 To NoStr)
ReDim r2(1 To SetCount)
For i = 1 To SetCount
For j = l To NoStr
rndno = Int((u - l + 1) * Rnd + l)
For k = 1 To j
If rndno = r1(k) Then
Exit For
ElseIf k = j Then
Exit Do
End If
Next k
r1(j) = rndno
Next j
strg = Join(r1, ",")
ReDim r1(NoStr)
For m = 1 To i
If strg = r2(m) Then
Exit For
ElseIf m = i Then
Exit Do
End If
Next m
r2(i) = strg
Next i
For Each a In r2
Range("B" & x) = a
x = x + 1
Next a
Range("B3:B65536").TextToColumns Destination:=Range("B3:B65536"), DataType:=xlDelimited, _
TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=False, _
Semicolon:=False, Comma:=True, Space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo _
:=Array(Array(1, 1), Array(2, 1), Array(3, 1), Array(4, 1), Array(5, 1)), _
End Sub
1 = 50 x
2 = 45 x
3 = 56 x
4 = 53x
5 = 61x
6 = 54 x
7 = 47x
8 = 47x
9 = 42x
10 = 45x
Equalling 500 numbers generated as intended, but my target is to get every number with an equal frequency. Is it possible?
Any help/code/link to a forum with examples would be most appreciated.