Re: generate data with known mean, variance, and sample size
Use Tools | Data Analysis... | Random Number Generator.
That said, you can always generate your own random numbers with the following deceptively simple and absolutely generic method: Function-inverse(Rand())
So, to get 30 random numbers from a normal distribution with mean 10 and standard deviation 2, select 30 cells and array-enter =NORMINV(RAND(),10,2)
The above technique works for *any* continuous distribution. And, if XL supports the inverse function (as it does for F, T, Gamma, Normal, and LogNormal -- to name a few) all you need is the same technique used in the previous paragraph for the normal distribution.
The concept works for discrete functions also, but you have to do a bit extra work to calculate the inverse function value.
Obviously, the results are only as good as reliability and accuracy of the underlying XL functions.
Finally, to array-enter a formula, complete formula entry not with the ENTER key but with the combination CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER keys. If done correctly, XL will display the formula in braces { and }
jswhite said:
I am writing a computer lab for my Ecology class and want to make up data for them to practice plotting, stats, etc... I was told it is possible to generate data given the target mean, variance (st dev, std error, or CI), and sample size. Any suggestions? Thanks!