Fuzzy String Percent Matching


New Member
Jun 30, 2021
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows

I am trying use fuzzy string matching in a search engine with vba. I attached below how it looks like. In the below image, when I type in "fruit" as my keyword, there is a 0% match when there is "fruit juice" in row 16. It is a multifield search engine so there are three search headings so far: KeyWords, Year Founded, and Locations. I am unsure of how this works, and I would appreciate any help. But overall, the code works really well for me, especially when I use multiple search fields at the same time.


VBA Code:
Option Explicit

Const msSheetName As String = "Sheet4"                      '** Defines the worksheet
Dim msMatchCriteriaCell As String                           '** Defines the cell containing the match Keywords heading
Const msMatchCriteriaHeading As String = "Search Heading"   '** Heading for search criteria headings
Const msFileTitleHeading As String = "Excel File Title"     '** Heading for file column
Const msMatchHeading As String = "%Match"                   '** Heading for results
Const msngMinPercent As Single = 0.5                        '** Minimum % Match

Sub FuzzySearch()

Dim lSearchRowPtr As Long
Dim lDataHeadingColumn As Long
Dim lFileDataEndRow As Long
Dim lFileDataRow As Long
Dim lMatchPercentColumn As Long

Dim rDataHeadingRow As Range

Dim sFileAddress As String
Dim sPercentMatchHeadingAddress As String

Dim sCurHeading As String
Dim sCurCriteria As String
Dim sCurFileKeywords As String
Dim sUsedRangeEndAddress As String
Dim sngCurMatch As Single
Dim sngTotalScore As Single
Dim sngMaxScore As Single

Dim vaSearchHeadingCriteria As Variant
Dim vaData As Variant

Dim WS As Worksheet

Set WS = Sheets(msSheetName)

With WS.UsedRange
    '** Get all the data in the worksheet **
    sUsedRangeEndAddress = WS.Cells(.Rows.Count, .Columns.Count).Address
    vaData = WS.Range("A1", sUsedRangeEndAddress).Value
End With

'** Find cell containing File Criteria heading **
msMatchCriteriaCell = FindHeading(msMatchCriteriaHeading, WS.Range("A1:" & sUsedRangeEndAddress))
If msMatchCriteriaCell = "" Then
    Exit Sub
End If

'** Get match criteria info **
vaSearchHeadingCriteria = GetMatchCriteria()

'** Find cell containing File Title heading **
sFileAddress = FindHeading(msFileTitleHeading, WS.Range("A1:" & sUsedRangeEndAddress))
If sFileAddress = "" Then
    Exit Sub
End If

'** find cell containing '%Match' heading **
sPercentMatchHeadingAddress = FindHeading(msMatchHeading, WS.Range("A1:" & sUsedRangeEndAddress))
If sPercentMatchHeadingAddress = "" Then
    Exit Sub
End If
lMatchPercentColumn = WS.Range(sPercentMatchHeadingAddress).Column

Set rDataHeadingRow = WS.Rows(WS.Range(sFileAddress).Row)

lFileDataEndRow = WS.Cells(WS.Rows.Count, WS.Range(sFileAddress).Column).End(xlUp).Row

'** Loop thru file data entries **
For lFileDataRow = WS.Range(sFileAddress).Row + 1 To lFileDataEndRow
    sngMaxScore = 0
    sngTotalScore = 0
    '** Loop thru match criteria **
    For lSearchRowPtr = 2 To UBound(vaSearchHeadingCriteria, 1)
        '** Get next criteria heading **
        sCurHeading = Trim$(vaSearchHeadingCriteria(lSearchRowPtr, 1))
        If sCurHeading <> "" Then
            '** Get file data column containing the required criteria heading **
            lDataHeadingColumn = FindDataHeadingColumn(Heading:=sCurHeading, _
            If lDataHeadingColumn > 0 Then
                sngMaxScore = sngMaxScore + 1
                '** Get criteria keywords **
                sCurCriteria = NormaliseKeywords(CStr(vaSearchHeadingCriteria(lSearchRowPtr, 2)))
                '** Get matching File keywords **
                sCurFileKeywords = NormaliseKeywords(CStr(vaData(lFileDataRow, lDataHeadingColumn)))
                sngCurMatch = GetMatchPercent(String1:=sCurCriteria, _
                If sngCurMatch >= msngMinPercent Then
                    sngTotalScore = sngTotalScore + sngCurMatch
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Next lSearchRowPtr
    sngTotalScore = sngTotalScore / sngMaxScore
    WS.Cells(lFileDataRow, lMatchPercentColumn).Value = sngTotalScore
Next lFileDataRow
End Sub

Private Function FindCellHeading()

End Function

Private Function GetMatchPercent(ByVal String1 As String, ByVal String2 As String) As Single
Dim lPtr1 As Long
Dim lPtr2 As Long

Dim sngMatchPercent As Single
Dim sngCurMatchPercent As Single

Dim saString1() As String
Dim saString2() As String

saString1 = Split(String1, ",")
saString2 = Split(String2, ",")

sngMatchPercent = 0
For lPtr1 = 0 To UBound(saString1)
    If saString1(lPtr1) <> "" Then
        For lPtr2 = 0 To UBound(saString2)
            If saString2(lPtr2) <> "" Then
                sngCurMatchPercent = GetLevenshteinPercentMatch(String1:=saString1(lPtr1), _
                                                                String2:=saString2(lPtr2), _
                If sngCurMatchPercent > sngMatchPercent Then
                    sngMatchPercent = sngCurMatchPercent
                End If
            End If
    End If
Next lPtr1
GetMatchPercent = sngMatchPercent
End Function
Private Function FindDataHeadingColumn(ByVal Heading As String, ByRef SearchRange As Range) As Long

Dim vColumn As Variant

FindDataHeadingColumn = 0
On Error Resume Next
vColumn = Application.Match(Heading, SearchRange, 0)
If Not IsError(vColumn) Then
    FindDataHeadingColumn = CLng(vColumn)
End If
On Error GoTo 0

End Function

Private Function GetMatchCriteria() As Variant
Dim lEndRow As Long
Dim lColumn As Long

Dim vaData As Variant

With Sheets(msSheetName)
    lColumn = .Range(msMatchCriteriaCell).Column
    lEndRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, lColumn).End(xlUp).Row
    vaData = .Range(msMatchCriteriaCell, .Cells(lEndRow, lColumn + 1)).Value
End With
GetMatchCriteria = vaData

End Function

Function FindHeading(ByVal SearchHeading As String, ByRef SearchRange As Range, Optional MessageIfNF As Boolean = True) As String
    Dim Rng As Range
    FindHeading = ""
    If Trim(SearchHeading) <> "" Then
        With SearchRange
            Set Rng = .Find(What:=SearchHeading, _
                            After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _
                            LookIn:=xlValues, _
                            LookAt:=xlWhole, _
                            SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
                            SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
            If Not Rng Is Nothing Then
                FindHeading = Rng.Resize(1, 1).Address
            End If
        End With
    End If
    If FindHeading = "" _
    And MessageIfNF = True Then
        MsgBox prompt:="Heading '" & SearchHeading & "' not found!", _
                Buttons:=vbCritical + vbOKOnly
    End If
End Function

Private Function NormaliseKeywords(ByVal Keywords As String) As String
Dim lPtr As Long

Dim saKeywords() As String
Dim sResult As String

sResult = LCase$(Trim$(Keywords))
If sResult <> "" Then
    saKeywords = Split(sResult, ",")
    For lPtr = 0 To UBound(saKeywords)
        saKeywords(lPtr) = Trim$(saKeywords(lPtr))
    Next lPtr
    sResult = Join(saKeywords, ",")
End If
NormaliseKeywords = sResult
End Function

Public Function GetLevenshteinPercentMatch(ByVal String1 As String, _
                                            ByVal String2 As String, _
                                            Optional Normalised As Boolean = True) As Single
Dim iLen As Integer
If Normalised = False Then
    String1 = UCase$(WorksheetFunction.Trim(String1))
    String2 = UCase$(WorksheetFunction.Trim(String2))
End If
iLen = WorksheetFunction.Max(Len(String1), Len(String2))
GetLevenshteinPercentMatch = (iLen - LevenshteinDistance(String1, String2)) / iLen
End Function

Public Function LevenshteinDistance(ByVal s As String, ByVal t As String) As Integer
'*** Compute Levenshtein Distance

Dim d() As Integer ' matrix
Dim m As Integer ' length of t
Dim N As Integer ' length of s
Dim I As Integer ' iterates through s
Dim j As Integer ' iterates through t
Dim s_i As String ' ith character of s
Dim t_j As String ' jth character of t
Dim cost As Integer ' cost

  ' Step 1

  N = Len(s)
  m = Len(t)
  If N = 0 Then
    LevenshteinDistance = m
    Exit Function
  End If
  If m = 0 Then
    LevenshteinDistance = N
    Exit Function
  End If
  ReDim d(0 To N, 0 To m) As Integer

  ' Step 2

  For I = 0 To N
    d(I, 0) = I
  Next I

  For j = 0 To m
    d(0, j) = j
  Next j

  ' Step 3

  For I = 1 To N
    s_i = Mid$(s, I, 1)
    ' Step 4
    For j = 1 To m
      t_j = Mid$(t, j, 1)
      ' Step 5
      If s_i = t_j Then
        cost = 0
        cost = 1
      End If
      ' Step 6

      d(I, j) = WorksheetFunction.Min(d(I - 1, j) + 1, d(I, j - 1) + 1, d(I - 1, j - 1) + cost)
    Next j
  Next I

  ' Step 7
  LevenshteinDistance = d(N, m)
End Function
Hi Rishm
I think you have to amend the variable msngMinPercent to a value above 50%.
Best wishes
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You can also do a fuzzy match in Power Query which is called Get and Transform Data in your version of Excel and found on the Data Tab. If you would like a solution using this feature, then re upload your sample data with XL2BB and I will show you. I really don't want to have to retype all your data to get you the solution since you already have it.

It could also be filtered with parameter queries in Power Query as you have multiple lookups, ie. Key Words, Location, Year
Upvote 0
You can also do a fuzzy match in Power Query which is called Get and Transform Data in your version of Excel and found on the Data Tab. If you would like a solution using this feature, then re upload your sample data with XL2BB and I will show you. I really don't want to have to retype all your data to get you the solution since you already have it.

It could also be filtered with parameter queries in Power Query as you have multiple lookups, ie. Key Words, Location, Year
Hi alansidman,

I would be interested in looking at this approach as well. Just to learn more things and get to know my options better.

1Search Heading
2KeyWordsOrange Cones
4Year Founded2003
10Excel File TitleKeyWordsLocationsYear Founded%match
11Airlines.xlsxAirlines, Transportations Services, Taxis, BusesFinland,Greece200044%
12OrganicStore.xlsxFruits, Vegetables, Health-based foodsEngland, South Africa19960%
13convenience.xlsxSmoke Based Products, Ciggaratees, TobaccoPoland, Germany200719%
14Solutions.xlsxCoding Solutions, Oranges, ApplesIndia, Japan200233%
15insured.xlsxInsurance Coverages, Deductible, Limit of InsuranceCanada 201013%
16BJIceCream.xlsxDesserts, Ice Cream, Cakes, Fruit JuiceCanada, USA201513%
17FoodsandCandy.xlsxPears, Peaches, Orange ConesJapan, Italy199725%
18Fastfood.xlsxSoda, Cakes, Burgers,Iceland, Portugal201113%
19GamesPlace.xlscVideo Games, PC Games, Virtual EquipmentSpain, Argentina201813%
20Gymspot.xlsxMarines, Army, Strength Based GoodsGreece, Italy201238%
Upvote 0
For the example given, you have three lookup items. Do you wish to show in your result any item with that criteria or do you wish to have three different lookups. I don't understand the percentage column. I think that I am missing something. If you are looking to fill in the percentages then I misunderstood your needs and am unable to help.
Upvote 0
For the example given, you have three lookup items. Do you wish to show in your result any item with that criteria or do you wish to have three different lookups. I don't understand the percentage column. I think that I am missing something. If you are looking to fill in the percentages then I misunderstood your needs and am unable to help.
It is a multi-field search engine. So anything that has the search criteria. The % column helps my search engine because of fuzzy string matching. But the main goal is to get a multi-field search engine working where I can type more than one keyword when searching for data. If I search for "Airlines" and "Fruits", excel files with those words would show as the best result.
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Sorry I meant BELOW 50% :/
Hi Alan,

This tip does seem to be working for me now. Thank you for that. I really like fuzzy string matching and the code I've been given to work with. I just have to better understand it. I have changed it to 20%.

I have tried debugging the code just to understand the process. This search engine works really well for me when I have multiple search fields.

I just have a question about the code logic. A keyword that has a higher Levenshtein Percentage match, would it have a higher "%match"? There's an example below when I run the code, I am not sure why the results are the way 0% for "cyber" search word when the Levenshtein Percentage Match higher than other matched keywords. This is for row 16, cybersecurity.xlsx file.

1Search Heading
4Year Founded
10Excel File TitleKeyWordsLocationsYear Founded%match
11Fastfood.xlsxSoda, Cakes, Burgers,Iceland, Portugal201116%
12BJIceCream.xlsxDesserts, Ice Cream, Cakes, Fruit JuiceCanada, USA201510%
13GamesPlace.xlscVideo Games, PC Games, Virtual EquipmentSpain, Argentina20186%
14OrganicStore.xlsxFruits, Vegetables, Health-based foodsEngland, South Africa19965%5%
15insured.xlsxInsurance Coverages, Deductible, Limit of InsuranceCanada 20105%8%
16CyberSecurity.xlsxCyber Per Occurrence Limit, Cyber and Security ProtectionsSri Lanka, New Zealand20050%9%
17Solutions.xlsxCoding Solutions, Oranges, ApplesIndia, Japan20020%
18Gymspot.xlsxMarines, Army, Strength Based GoodsGreece, Italy20120%
19convenience.xlsxSmoke Based Products, Ciggaratees, TobaccoPoland, Germany20070%
20FoodsandCandy.xlsxPears, Peaches, Orange ConesJapan, Italy19970%
21Airlines.xlsxAirlines, Transportations Services, Taxis, BusesFinland,Greece20005%
Cell Formulas
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