Hey everyone,
I have an inventory sheet that I need to update daily. I have several excel files that need to talk to each other. Basically I just need a button that will create an "End File" which is just a file that will tell eBay what listings need to be removed. I think it is called a macro but I am not sure that is the correct term. Every day I will download the most up to date Products file and Active Listings file, then I will click the button you are creating.
3 Workbooks / Files:
MasterFile (Contains older inventory items)
Products (Contains up to date inventory items)
ActiveListings (Contains Listings for Products)
Button Actions)
a) Finds Item IDs that ARE in MasterFile but NOT in Products (meaning that they are no longer offered by the supplier). The Item IDs need to be added to a list of Item IDs to remove from ActiveListings (let's call this LIST A), then the row needs to be deleted on the MasterFile
b) Adds all Item IDs that have the stock value as "N" within Products file in LIST A
c) Finds all listing#s within ActiveListings sheet, then Creates an "end file" which is a CSV file that has the listing# of products that are out of stock
MasterFile File (NOTE - These are the old inventory from the previous day)
Baseball, 001
Basketball, 002
SoccerBall, 003
Football, 004
Products File (NOTE - 001 and 002 are out of stock. 003 is missing, meaning it is discontinued. Row corresponding to 003 needs to be removed from the master file)
Baseball, 001, N
Basketball, 002, N
Football, 004, Y
ActiveListings File (NOTE - I currently have 2 active listings for 001 which is out of stock, and 1 listing for 003 which is discontinued)
LISTING#1, 001
LISTING#2, 001
LISTING#3, 004
LISTING#4, 004
LISTING#5, 003
Created EndFile CSV (NOTE - This CSV file contains which listings need to be removed)
End, LISTING#1, NotAvailable
End, LISTING#2, NotAvailable
End, LISTING#5, NotAvailable
This is the first job of many, so I would love to work with someone who can help me with more macros / buttons / Excel work in the future. If you are interested, please let me know a price estimate and if it is a good price then we can talk further and I can provide more details. If you need clarification, please ask. Thanks!
I have an inventory sheet that I need to update daily. I have several excel files that need to talk to each other. Basically I just need a button that will create an "End File" which is just a file that will tell eBay what listings need to be removed. I think it is called a macro but I am not sure that is the correct term. Every day I will download the most up to date Products file and Active Listings file, then I will click the button you are creating.
3 Workbooks / Files:
MasterFile (Contains older inventory items)
Products (Contains up to date inventory items)
ActiveListings (Contains Listings for Products)
Button Actions)
a) Finds Item IDs that ARE in MasterFile but NOT in Products (meaning that they are no longer offered by the supplier). The Item IDs need to be added to a list of Item IDs to remove from ActiveListings (let's call this LIST A), then the row needs to be deleted on the MasterFile
b) Adds all Item IDs that have the stock value as "N" within Products file in LIST A
c) Finds all listing#s within ActiveListings sheet, then Creates an "end file" which is a CSV file that has the listing# of products that are out of stock
MasterFile File (NOTE - These are the old inventory from the previous day)
Baseball, 001
Basketball, 002
SoccerBall, 003
Football, 004
Products File (NOTE - 001 and 002 are out of stock. 003 is missing, meaning it is discontinued. Row corresponding to 003 needs to be removed from the master file)
Baseball, 001, N
Basketball, 002, N
Football, 004, Y
ActiveListings File (NOTE - I currently have 2 active listings for 001 which is out of stock, and 1 listing for 003 which is discontinued)
LISTING#1, 001
LISTING#2, 001
LISTING#3, 004
LISTING#4, 004
LISTING#5, 003
Created EndFile CSV (NOTE - This CSV file contains which listings need to be removed)
End, LISTING#1, NotAvailable
End, LISTING#2, NotAvailable
End, LISTING#5, NotAvailable
This is the first job of many, so I would love to work with someone who can help me with more macros / buttons / Excel work in the future. If you are interested, please let me know a price estimate and if it is a good price then we can talk further and I can provide more details. If you need clarification, please ask. Thanks!