So A1 is the number of decimals to be displayed. B1 is the number that I want displayed with decimals. Now, my problem is the ROUND function will get rid of the decimals if they are not necessary, the TEXT/CHOOSE functions will do what I want them to do but they will give me the number as a text (and thus, it is impossible for me to work with it further in other mathematical operations), and the VALUE/TEXT/CHOOSE functions will just do what the ROUND function did in the first place.
My question: is there a way for me to display the number in B1 with the amount of decimals specified in A1 even if decimals are not necessary? I want the amount of decimals to be dependent on A1, so if the value changes, the amount of decimals will change too. Can't use VBA, sorry.
Thank you very much!
2 | 9 | 9 |
9.00 | ||
9 | ||
So A1 is the number of decimals to be displayed. B1 is the number that I want displayed with decimals. Now, my problem is the ROUND function will get rid of the decimals if they are not necessary, the TEXT/CHOOSE functions will do what I want them to do but they will give me the number as a text (and thus, it is impossible for me to work with it further in other mathematical operations), and the VALUE/TEXT/CHOOSE functions will just do what the ROUND function did in the first place.
My question: is there a way for me to display the number in B1 with the amount of decimals specified in A1 even if decimals are not necessary? I want the amount of decimals to be dependent on A1, so if the value changes, the amount of decimals will change too. Can't use VBA, sorry.
Thank you very much!