Hi all,
I want to calculate Working time, which only include time from 09:00(9am) to 18:00 (6pm) on weekdays Monday to Friday only.
I m using this Formula
I want a formula that can correctly calculate time spend in all the folowing scenarios.
> If Start Time is on week day in working hours and end time is on the same day but after working hours say like at 19:00 (7pm) it should only calculate time spent till 6 pm.
> If Start Time is on week day but after working hours and End time is also before any working hour start it should calculate 00:00:00 (zero time).
> so in short it should only STRICTLY calculate the work hours between start and end.
please modify the above formula or give any other formula that works great
by the way ....
D1 is start Date (only date).
F1 is End Date (only date).
E1 is start Time (only Time).
G1 is End Time (only Time).
work Hours : 09:00 (09 pm) to 18:00 (6 pm)
Work Days : Monday - Friday
any help will be appreciated ...
I want to calculate Working time, which only include time from 09:00(9am) to 18:00 (6pm) on weekdays Monday to Friday only.
I m using this Formula
=if(AND (OR (E11>=Time(18,0,0),E11<time(9,0,0) ),or="" (<="" span=""></time(9,0,0)>G11>=Time(18,0,0),G11<time(9,0,0)),networkdays(< span=""></time(9,0,0)),networkdays(<>D11,F11)=2),Time(0,0,0), (if(NETWORKDAYS(D11,F11) = 0, NETWORKDAYS(D11,F11), NETWORKDAYS(D11,F11)-1)*TIME(9,0,0)+G11-TIME(9,0,0)-If(OR(WEEKDAY(D11,1)=7,WEEKDAY(D11,1)=1),time(0,0,0),if(E11>=Time(9,0,0),if(E11>=Time(18,0,0),Time(9,0,0),E11-Time(9,0,0)),Time(0,0,0)))) )
I want a formula that can correctly calculate time spend in all the folowing scenarios.
> If Start Time is on week day in working hours and end time is on the same day but after working hours say like at 19:00 (7pm) it should only calculate time spent till 6 pm.
> If Start Time is on week day but after working hours and End time is also before any working hour start it should calculate 00:00:00 (zero time).
> so in short it should only STRICTLY calculate the work hours between start and end.
please modify the above formula or give any other formula that works great
by the way ....
D1 is start Date (only date).
F1 is End Date (only date).
E1 is start Time (only Time).
G1 is End Time (only Time).
work Hours : 09:00 (09 pm) to 18:00 (6 pm)
Work Days : Monday - Friday
any help will be appreciated ...
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