Hi, I hope someone can help.
I'm trying to build a tool to assist me with scheduling.
I've built a spreadsheet which has 3 columns of data
A - Rank
B - Name
C - Shifts
The rank is a numerical ranking and I assign a number to each name. The rank runs from 1 (most senior) to 20 (least senior).
The second column is employee names
The last column is number of shifts given.
Built like this, I can sort the employees by rank / seniority
Here's the rub:
I want to use column D to check that no employee with a lower rank has more shifts than one with a higher rank.
They can be equal however.
Another thing which has made this harder for me is that there are occasions where an employee may have 0 shifts
as they could be on leave or sick.
My thinking formula wise was to use nested if statements
D1: =IF(C1=0,"OFF",IF(AND(C1<=C2,C1<=C3,C1<=C4,C1<=C5,C1<=C6,C1<=C7,C1<=C8,C1<=C9,C1<=C10,C1<=C11,C1<=C12,C1<=C13,C1<=C14,C15<=C16,C1<=C17,C1<=C18,C1<=C19,C1<=C20),"GOOD","BAD"))
D20: =IF(C20=0,"OFF",IF(AND(C20<=C19,C20<=C18,C20<=C17,C20<=C16,C20<=C15,C20<=C14,C20<=C13,C20<=C12,C20<=C11,C20<=C10,C20<=C9,C20<=C8,C20<=C7,C20<=C6,C20<=C5,C20<=C4,C20<=C3,C20<=C2,C20<=C1),"GOOD","BAD"))
I realise this is clunky and also creates problems if the cells above or below are equal to 0.
I'm racking my mind trying to figure out a smart way to make this work but come come up with anything better
This is how Column d should work,
If there is an issue, then the relative cell in column D needs to display "BAD",
If however all shifts above are higher than or equal to,
and all shifts below are lower than or equal to
OR the shift in that cell equals 0, then it should display, "OFF"
I'm trying to build a tool to assist me with scheduling.
I've built a spreadsheet which has 3 columns of data
A - Rank
B - Name
C - Shifts
The rank is a numerical ranking and I assign a number to each name. The rank runs from 1 (most senior) to 20 (least senior).
The second column is employee names
The last column is number of shifts given.
Built like this, I can sort the employees by rank / seniority
Here's the rub:
I want to use column D to check that no employee with a lower rank has more shifts than one with a higher rank.
They can be equal however.
Another thing which has made this harder for me is that there are occasions where an employee may have 0 shifts
as they could be on leave or sick.
My thinking formula wise was to use nested if statements
D1: =IF(C1=0,"OFF",IF(AND(C1<=C2,C1<=C3,C1<=C4,C1<=C5,C1<=C6,C1<=C7,C1<=C8,C1<=C9,C1<=C10,C1<=C11,C1<=C12,C1<=C13,C1<=C14,C15<=C16,C1<=C17,C1<=C18,C1<=C19,C1<=C20),"GOOD","BAD"))
D20: =IF(C20=0,"OFF",IF(AND(C20<=C19,C20<=C18,C20<=C17,C20<=C16,C20<=C15,C20<=C14,C20<=C13,C20<=C12,C20<=C11,C20<=C10,C20<=C9,C20<=C8,C20<=C7,C20<=C6,C20<=C5,C20<=C4,C20<=C3,C20<=C2,C20<=C1),"GOOD","BAD"))
I realise this is clunky and also creates problems if the cells above or below are equal to 0.
I'm racking my mind trying to figure out a smart way to make this work but come come up with anything better
This is how Column d should work,
If there is an issue, then the relative cell in column D needs to display "BAD",
If however all shifts above are higher than or equal to,
and all shifts below are lower than or equal to
OR the shift in that cell equals 0, then it should display, "OFF"