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Instead of constantly changing the number of userform checkboxes & their captions, I thought it would be a good idea to dynamically create the checkboxes based on some user input in a special range. I do have that part set correctly, so the checkboxes appear with the correct caption, etc., but now I've got to determine an appropriate way to accommodate the Height, Width, Left, & Top of the Userform, a Frame, a the spawned controls.
First problem so far is that when I try to change my userform's height to accommodate more controls, it tells me that this object doesn't support this property or method. I think this is happening because the code is in a normal module, not the userform's module. Regardless, I don't know how to change it as needed, so it's cutting off excess controls right now.
This is the main sub. The calling method determines which userform is assigned to choiceFrm, since there are 12 of them. The userforms are meant to allow for either one choice or multiple, so with the former it will create an option button and the latter makes a checkbox. Besides the error, any other ideas to improve my methodology are welcome.
First problem so far is that when I try to change my userform's height to accommodate more controls, it tells me that this object doesn't support this property or method. I think this is happening because the code is in a normal module, not the userform's module. Regardless, I don't know how to change it as needed, so it's cutting off excess controls right now.
This is the main sub. The calling method determines which userform is assigned to choiceFrm, since there are 12 of them. The userforms are meant to allow for either one choice or multiple, so with the former it will create an option button and the latter makes a checkbox. Besides the error, any other ideas to improve my methodology are welcome.
VBA Code:
Option Explicit
Public ctrlCol As Collection
Sub CreateControls(choiceFrm As UserForm, valRng As Range, buttonType As String, formWidth As String)
Dim chkBox As clsChecks
Dim optBtn As clsOptions
Dim labelLeft As Double, labelTop As Double
Dim formHeight As Double, frameHeight As Double
Dim controlCount As Long, i As Long, j As Long
controlCount = valRng.Cells.Count
labelLeft = choiceFrm.Label1.Left
labelTop = choiceFrm.Label1.Top
' This is mostly guesswork at the moment, but it was starting to look right
' Not sure what the difference is between InsideHeight & Height
If choiceFrm.Frame1.Height < (controlCount * 24) + 40 Then
If formWidth = "Single" Then
formHeight = choiceFrm.InsideHeight + ((controlCount - 8) * 25) + 40
choiceFrm.Height = formHeight ' Causes error
frameHeight = formHeight + choiceFrm.Frame1.Height
choiceFrm.Frame1.Height = frameHeight ' This works though
' Not done yet
End If
End If
Set ctrlCol = New Collection
For i = 0 To controlCount - 1
If buttonType = "CBox" Then
Set chkBox = New clsChecks
With chkBox
Set .cBox = choiceFrm.Frame1.Controls.Add("forms.CheckBox.1")
With .cBox
.AutoSize = True
.Caption = valRng.Cells(i + 1, 1).Value
.Name = "CB" & i
.BackColor = &HC0C0C0
.ForeColor = &H80000012
.Font = "Tahoma"
.Height = 22.5
.Width = 125
If formWidth = "Single" Then
.Left = labelLeft
.Top = labelTop + 50 + (24 * (i - 1))
' I used j here because I couldnt think of
' a way to use i in a formula that cut it
' in half appropriately
.Left = labelLeft + 66
.Top = labelTop + 26 * (j - 1)
j = j + 1
End If
End With
End With
ctrlCol.Add Item:=chkBox
Set optBtn = New clsOptions
With optBtn
Set .optButton = choiceFrm.Frame1.Controls.Add("forms.OptionButton.1")
With .optButton
.AutoSize = True
.Caption = valRng.Cells(i + 1, 1).Value
.Name = "CB" & i
.BackColor = &HC0C0C0
.ForeColor = &H80000012
.Font = "Tahoma"
.Height = 24
.Width = 125
If formWidth = "Single" Then
.Left = labelLeft
.Top = labelTop + 26 * (i - 1)
.Left = labelLeft + 66
.Top = labelTop + 26 * (j - 1)
j = j + 1
End If
End With
End With
ctrlCol.Add Item:=optBtn
End If
End Sub