Good day!
I have a PivotTable and want to do some FormatCondition for it. I need to change font color of cells which contains 0 or 0.00
The PivotTable is situated from R to T column. I do it in separate sub, but
there is no effects after calling this code.
Here is my code
Thanks at advance
I have a PivotTable and want to do some FormatCondition for it. I need to change font color of cells which contains 0 or 0.00
The PivotTable is situated from R to T column. I do it in separate sub, but
there is no effects after calling this code.
Here is my code
Private Sub createFormatRules(depart As String)
Dim FormatRange As Range
Set FormatRange = Range("R:T")
With FormatRange
With .FormatConditions.Add(Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlEqual, Formula1:="=0.00")
.Color = vbRed
.StopIfTrue = False
End With
End With
end sub
Thanks at advance