Students assignement1 assignement2.. blank clmn total(%)
a 12 9 5
b 15 6 4
max pt on *** 20 10 5
i want to write a code that would calculate the % grade of each student and report it on the last colum knowin that the column before it is blank.
theres more assignements on the real worksheet and more students. assume that the last row contains the max pts possible for the assignement. remember that the grades given are numeric. i also want to ask the user using a textbox how many asignement is there and where the data starts from. Assume each blank cell is a zero.
plzzz any help will be appreciated
thank you
a 12 9 5
b 15 6 4
max pt on *** 20 10 5
i want to write a code that would calculate the % grade of each student and report it on the last colum knowin that the column before it is blank.
theres more assignements on the real worksheet and more students. assume that the last row contains the max pts possible for the assignement. remember that the grades given are numeric. i also want to ask the user using a textbox how many asignement is there and where the data starts from. Assume each blank cell is a zero.
plzzz any help will be appreciated
thank you