While continuing my journey in teaching myself macro scripting, I've run into an error that has me a bit confused.
What the macro should do:
Populate and format a worksheet (Training Audit) based on information from a second worksheet (Reference Data).
There are three categories (rau, qual, and ehs) that need to iterate in a nearly identical manner, so I have been working by getting just rau to function first. I then copy the working code to qual, make adjustments and test it, and repeat for qual.
The code I have so far:
At the line in red, I am getting the error:
I initially had both For Each loops using i1 before adding i2 to see if that would solve the issue, but it did not.
The MSDN page for the error code claims that I jumped into the middle of a For...Next loop, but stepping through the code does not look like that is the case from what I am seeing.
What am I missing/overlooking?
What the macro should do:
Populate and format a worksheet (Training Audit) based on information from a second worksheet (Reference Data).
There are three categories (rau, qual, and ehs) that need to iterate in a nearly identical manner, so I have been working by getting just rau to function first. I then copy the working code to qual, make adjustments and test it, and repeat for qual.
The code I have so far:
Sub tableBorders(where As Range, bold As Boolean, size As Integer)
With where
.WrapText = True
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
.BorderAround Weight:=xlThick
.Font.size = size
If bold Then
.Font.FontStyle = "Bold"
End If
End With
End Sub
Sub shift()
Dim sheeta As Worksheet, sheetb As Worksheet
Dim list1a As String, list2a As String, list3a As String, search1 As String, list1b() As String, list2b() As String, list2c() As String
Dim rau As Range, qual As Range, ehs As Range, spot1 As Range, spot2 As Range, c1 As Range, c2 As Range, sRange As Range, names As Range
Dim i1 As Variant, i2 As Variant
Set sheeta = Worksheets("Reference Data")
Set sheetb = Worksheets("Training Audit")
'clear previsou formatting
sheetb.Range("B5:N500").Font.size = 10
'formatting and titles
tableBorders sheetb.Range("B5:N5"), True, 10
tableBorders sheetb.Range("B6"), True, 10
tableBorders sheetb.Range("C6:F6"), True, 10
tableBorders sheetb.Range("G6:J6"), True, 10
tableBorders sheetb.Range("K6:N6"), True, 10
sheetb.Range("B5").Value = "Summary of Remaining Trainings"
sheetb.Range("B6").Value = "Name"
sheetb.Range("C6").Value = "Read and Understood"
sheetb.Range("G6").Value = "Qualified"
sheetb.Range("K6").Value = "EHS Documents"
'select applicable range
Set sRange = sheeta.Range("N5:AE5")
Set sRange = sRange.Resize(sheeta.Cells(Rows.Count, "N").End(xlUp).Row, sRange.Columns.Count)
Set c1 = sRange.Find("", , xlValues, , xlColumns)
Set sRange = sRange.Resize(c1.Row - 5, sRange.Columns.Count)
Set c1 = sRange.Find("", , xlValues, , xlRows)
Set sRange = sRange.Resize(sRange.Rows.Count, c1.Column - 14)
'set names
With sheeta.Cells
Set c1 = .Find(sheeta.Range("B12"), .Range("C2"), xlValues, , xlColumns)
If Not c1 Is Nothing Then
Set names = c1.Offset(1, 0)
End If
End With
Set names = names.Resize(9, 1)
Set c1 = names.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks)
Set names = names.Resize(c1.Row - names.Row, 1)
'populate summary names and formatting
Set spot1 = sheetb.Range("B7")
For Each c1 In names.Cells
Set spot2 = spot1.Resize(3, 1)
spot1.Value = c1
tableBorders spot2, False, 9
Set spot1 = spot1.Offset(0, 1)
Set spot2 = spot1.Resize(3, 4)
tableBorders spot2, False, 9
Set spot1 = spot1.Offset(0, 1)
Set spot2 = spot1.Resize(3, 4)
tableBorders spot2, False, 9
Set spot1 = spot1.Offset(0, 1)
Set spot2 = spot1.Resize(3, 4)
tableBorders spot2, False, 9
Set spot1 = spot1.Offset(1, -9)
'change names to give reference for populating summary
Set c2 = sheetb.Range("B7:" & spot1.Address)
Set names = Nothing
For Each c1 In c2.Cells
If Not IsEmpty(c1.Value) Then
If Not names Is Nothing Then
Set names = Union(names, sheetb.Range(c1.Address))
Set names = sheetb.Range(c1.Address)
End If
End If
For Each c1 In names.Cells
With sheeta.Cells
Set c2 = .Find(c1, .Range("M3"), xlValues, , xlRows)
If Not c2 Is Nothing Then
Set sRange = c2.Offset(2, 0)
End If
End With
Set sRange = sRange.Resize(sheeta.Cells(Rows.Count, sRange.Column).End(xlUp).Row, 1)
Set spot1 = sRange.Find("", , xlValues)
Set sRange = sRange.Resize(spot1.Row - 4, 1)
For Each c2 In sRange.Cells
If c2.Value = 0 And Not sheeta.Range("H" & c2.Row).Value = "MP0405" Then
If Not rau Is Nothing Then
Set rau = Union(rau, sheeta.Range("H" & c2.Row))
Set rau = sheeta.Range("H" & c2.Row)
End If
End If
Set spot2 = c1.Offset(0, 1)
If rau Is Nothing Then
spot2.Value = "No Read and Understood Gaps"
For Each c2 In rau
If spot2.Value = "" Then
spot2.Value = c2.Value
spot2.Value = spot2.Value & " " & c2.Value
End If
End If
Set sRange = sRange.Offset(0, 1)
For Each c2 In sRange.Cells
If c2.Value = 0 And Not sheeta.Range("H" & c2.Row).Value = "MP0405" And Not sheeta.Range("H" & c2.Row).Value = "Tour" Then
If Not qual Is Nothing Then
Set qual = Union(qual, sheeta.Range("H" & c2.Row))
Set qual = sheeta.Range("H" & c2.Row)
End If
End If
Set spot2 = c1.Offset(0, 5)
If qual Is Nothing Then
spot2.Value = "No Qualified Gaps"
For Each c2 In qual
If spot2.Value = "" Then
spot2.Value = c2.Value
spot2.Value = spot2.Value & " " & c2.Value
End If
End If
With sheeta.Cells
Set c2 = .Find(c1, .Range("BO3"), xlValues, xlRows)
If Not c2 Is Nothing Then
Set sRange = c2.Offset(1, 0)
End If
End With
Set sRange = sRange.Resize(sheeta.Cells(Rows.Count, sRange.Column).End(xlUp).Row, 1)
Set spot1 = sRange.Find("", , xlValues)
Set sRange = sRange.Resize(spot1.Row - 4, 1)
For Each c2 In sRange.Cells
If c2.Value = 0 Then
If Not ehs Is Nothing Then
Set ehs = Union(ehs, sheeta.Range("BI" & c2.Row))
Set ehs = sheeta.Range("BI" & c2.Row)
End If
End If
Set spot2 = c1.Offset(0, 9)
If ehs Is Nothing Then
spot2.Value = "No EHS Gaps"
For Each c2 In ehs
If c2.Row = 5 Then
spot2.Value = "na1"
ElseIf c2.Row = 6 Then
If spot2.Value = "" Then
spot2.Value = "na2"
spot2.Value = spot2.Value & " na2"
End If
If spot2.Value = "" Then
spot2.Value = c2.Value
spot2.Value = spot2.Value & " " & c2.Value
End If
End If
End If
Set ehs = Nothing
Set rau = Nothing
Set qual = Nothing
'detailed information formatting
Set spot1 = spot2.Offset(2, -9)
Set spot2 = spot1.Resize(1, 13)
tableBorders spot2, True, 10
spot1.Value = "Detailed Information"
Set spot1 = spot1.Offset(1, 0)
Set spot2 = spot1.Resize(1, 9)
tableBorders spot2, True, 10
spot1.Value = "SOP Gaps"
Set spot1 = spot1.Offset(0, 1)
Set spot2 = spot1.Resize(2, 4)
tableBorders spot2, True, 10
spot1.Value = "EHS Gaps"
Set spot1 = spot1.Offset(1, -9)
Set spot1 = spot1.Offset(-1, 0)
Set spot2 = spot1.Resize(1, 4)
tableBorders spot2, True, 10
spot1.Value = "Read and Understood"
Set spot1 = spot1.Offset(0, 1)
Set spot2 = spot1.Resize(1, 5)
tableBorders spot2, True, 10
spot1.Value = "Qualified"
Set spot1 = spot1.Offset(1, -4)
tableBorders spot1, True, 10
spot1.Value = "Number"
Set spot1 = spot1.Offset(0, 1)
Set spot2 = spot1.Resize(1, 2)
tableBorders spot2, True, 10
spot1.Value = "Title"
Set spot1 = spot1.Offset(0, 1)
tableBorders spot1, True, 10
spot1.Value = "People"
Set spot1 = spot1.Offset(0, 1)
tableBorders spot1, True, 10
spot1.Value = "Number"
Set spot1 = spot1.Offset(0, 1)
Set spot2 = spot1.Resize(1, 2)
tableBorders spot2, True, 10
spot1.Value = "Title"
Set spot1 = spot1.Offset(0, 1)
tableBorders spot1, True, 10
spot1.Value = "People"
Set spot1 = spot1.Offset(0, 1)
tableBorders spot1, True, 10
spot1.Value = "Trainers"
Set spot1 = spot1.Offset(0, 1)
tableBorders spot1, True, 10
spot1.Value = "Number"
Set spot1 = spot1.Offset(0, 1)
Set spot2 = spot1.Resize(1, 2)
tableBorders spot2, True, 10
spot1.Value = "Title"
Set spot1 = spot1.Offset(0, 1)
tableBorders spot1, True, 10
spot1.Value = "People"
'list creation
Set spot1 = spot1.Offset(1, -12)
Set sRange = sheetb.Range("C7:" & spot1.Offset(-8, 1).Address)
For Each c1 In sRange.Cells
If Not c1.Value = "" And Not c1.Value = "No Read and Understood Gaps" Then
If Not list1a = "" Then
list1a = list1a & " " & c1.Value
list1a = c1.Value
End If
End If
Set sRange = sRange.Offset(0, 4)
For Each c1 In sRange.Cells
If Not c1.Value = "" And Not c1.Value = "No Qualified Gaps" Then
If Not list1a = "" Then
list2a = list1a & " " & c1.Value
list2a = c1.Value
End If
End If
Set sRange = sRange.Offset(0, 4)
For Each c1 In sRange.Cells
If Not c1.Value = "" And Not c1.Value = "No EHS Gaps" Then
If Not list1a = "" Then
list3a = list1a & " " & c1.Value
list3a = c1.Value
End If
End If
list1b = Split(list1a, " ")
iist2b = Split(list2a, " ")
list3b = Split(list3a, " ")
'detailed information population
Set spot2 = spot1
Set sRange = sheetb.Range("C7:" & spot1.Offset(-8, 1).Address)
For Each i1 In list1b
sheetb.Range("B22").Value = i1
If Not i1 = spot2.Offset(-1, 0).Value Then
spot2.Value = i1
Set spot2 = spot2.Resize(4, 1)
tableBorders spot2, False, 10
Set spot2 = spot2.Offset(0, 1)
spot2.Value = "=INDEX('Reference Data'!$I$5:$I$202,MATCH('Training Audit'!" & spot2.Offset(0, -1).Address & ",'Reference Data'!$H$5:$H$202,0))"
Set spot2 = spot2.Resize(4, 2)
tableBorders spot2, False, 9
Set spot2 = spot2.Offset(0, 1)
For Each c1 In sRange.Cells
If InStr(c1.Text, i1) > 0 Then
If Not spot2.Value = "" Then
spot2.Value = spot2.Value & ", " & c1.Offset(0, -1).Value
spot2.Value = c1.Offset(0, -1).Value
End If
End If
Set spot2 = spot2.Resize(4, 1)
tableBorders spot2, False, 9
End If
Set spot2 = spot2.Offset(1, -3)
Set spot2 = spot1.Offset(0, 4)
Set sRange = sheetb.Range("G7:" & spot1.Offset(-8, 5).Address)
[B][COLOR=#ff0000]For Each i2 In list2b[/COLOR][/B]
sheetb.Range("B22").Value = i2
If Not i2 = spot2.Offset(-1, 0).Value Then
spot2.Value = i2
Set spot2 = spot2.Resize(4, 1)
tableBorders spot2, False, 10
Set spot2 = spot2.Offset(0, 1)
spot2.Value = "=INDEX('Reference Data'!$I$5:$I$202,MATCH('Training Audit'!" & spot2.Offset(0, -1).Address & ",'Reference Data'!$H$5:$H$202,0))"
Set spot2 = spot2.Resize(4, 2)
tableBorders spot2, False, 9
Set spot2 = spot2.Offset(0, 1)
For Each c1 In sRange.Cells
If InStr(c1.Text, i2) > 0 Then
If Not spot2.Value = "" Then
spot2.Value = spot2.Value & ", " & c1.Offset(0, -5).Value
spot2.Value = c1.Offset(0, -1).Value
End If
End If
Set spot2 = spot2.Resize(4, 1)
tableBorders spot2, False, 9
End If
Set spot2 = spot2.Offset(1, -3)
End Sub
At the line in red, I am getting the error:
Run-time error '92':
For loop not initialized
I initially had both For Each loops using i1 before adding i2 to see if that would solve the issue, but it did not.
The MSDN page for the error code claims that I jumped into the middle of a For...Next loop, but stepping through the code does not look like that is the case from what I am seeing.
What am I missing/overlooking?