hello & thank you for taking time to see if this insane question is even worth asking...
I'd like to select 3 contiguous cells in a row (i.e A1:A3).
Could use named ranges if it was static but rather would like to land in a cell that isn't A1, like C1 & be able to run a macro or name a "floating" range that would select C1:C3.
Like usual, I hate having to ask for help but I've gone through stuff here & elsewhere to no avail so finally crying uncle.
I'd like to select 3 contiguous cells in a row (i.e A1:A3).
Could use named ranges if it was static but rather would like to land in a cell that isn't A1, like C1 & be able to run a macro or name a "floating" range that would select C1:C3.
Like usual, I hate having to ask for help but I've gone through stuff here & elsewhere to no avail so finally crying uncle.