I came up with this formula to find matches in another file which I cannot edit:
=MATCH("*"&A2&"*",'[F4 2006_ECO Log.xls]ECO Log'!$D:$D,0)
It works fine, except I want to find the last match in column D (there are something like 3 total matches). Match seems to return only the first match. I looked at inverting column D, but could not find an easy way to do this within the match formula.
Constraints: I cannot edit the other file.
=MATCH("*"&A2&"*",'[F4 2006_ECO Log.xls]ECO Log'!$D:$D,0)
It works fine, except I want to find the last match in column D (there are something like 3 total matches). Match seems to return only the first match. I looked at inverting column D, but could not find an easy way to do this within the match formula.
Constraints: I cannot edit the other file.