Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere but I'm struggling to find a solution.
I have a table of data for a series of battery's that have had their voltages measured over a number of weeks. Due to the testing I've been doing, there are dips in this voltage roughly every two hours and I'm looking to produce a graph of these dips. I've put an example of one of those dips below.
Unfortunately due to the nature of the tests, the dips are not exactly every two hours which prevents my original plan to just extract cell data at every nth entry. My next idea was to write a formula that compares each cell to the cells above and below it, and extract any data that is less than both values by at least 0.05. However as shown above, one of the batteries took a while to begin to show a dip which means the data here won't be extracted properly.
What I think I need to do is to check each row of cells, and extract the entire row if one or more entries are less than the entries above or below by 0.05 or more. However my excel experience is limited and I'm struggling with the execution of this.
Any help or alternative ideas are greatly appreciated.