Hi there
Within a cell when the text "FOLLOW-UP" is found, WITH this text I would like to move "FOLLOW-UP" (And The TEXT following it) to start a new line.
This does not seem to work???
Dim SearchName As String
SearchName = "FOLLOW-UP"
For Each cell In ActiveSheet.Range("J2:J" & lr)
If InStr(1, cell, "SearchName", vbTextCompare) Then
With SearchName
vbNewLine (Chr(10))
End With
End If
Within a cell when the text "FOLLOW-UP" is found, WITH this text I would like to move "FOLLOW-UP" (And The TEXT following it) to start a new line.
This does not seem to work???
Dim SearchName As String
SearchName = "FOLLOW-UP"
For Each cell In ActiveSheet.Range("J2:J" & lr)
If InStr(1, cell, "SearchName", vbTextCompare) Then
With SearchName
vbNewLine (Chr(10))
End With
End If