That's a bit vague so my answer won't be as focused as you would no doubt like it to be.
Find where? Within a row? Column? A sheet? The whole workbook? Just within a string? How many characters might come after % sign?
Perhaps this will get you started
Once you have found a range that contains the value (I'm guessing that is only going to be a percent sign) you can format that portion using functions like InstrRev to locate the % sign. Using a sheet/range reference as an example, this will find the % in your sample:
instrrev(Sheets("4").range("B1"),"%") which will equal 3 when the cell contains "20%1". Add
1 to that so that you locate the next character to be formatted as superscript:
1).font.superscript = true
The red 1 tells the expression to format only one character after the %, so if that's not the case, then more needs to be done to determine the length - again, not revealed yet.
If you use code that returns a range object (like the code at the link) you'd substitute the
sheet/range reference below with the range object.