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I am looking for a varietey of data, based on what files are opened to begin wtih.
The data (workbookA.sheet1.columnA) is saved to (set as the value of) a variable "resource_name" which should then search for it in the other sheet (workbookB.sheet1) to see if it even exists (in this case I want a true/false type of result from .find, or some other funtion... I'm attempting to use .find to do this and us an if-then-else statement).
Then, if it does NOT exist, it can discard the data (not do anything further) and then continue to the next iteration of the loop which should jump to the next row down (WorkbookA.sheet.1.columnA) with a new string value for "resource_name" and search for it in the other workbook (workbookB.sheet1) again.
If it DOES exist in workbookB.sheet1 however, then it must pull more data from WorkbookA.sheet1, and save string information to variables 'year', 'month', and 'generation'. Then in WorkbookC.sheet1, it must search for 'year' across row1, and save which column it is found is so that it can then start at that column and search row2 for 'month' - and then save that column as the final_col.
Finally it must search down columnA (still workbookC.sheet1) for "resource_name" and, if it DOES find it, use that row and then final_col (that it found the correct month on) to put the string contained in the "generation" variable into the cell determined by this row/column.
If it does NOT however, find the "resource_name" in ColA, it must look for the first (hightest) row with no data in colA (= "") and then input "resource_name" to colA as well as "generation" to the coordinates of this row and final_col (from searching for the month)
There are a grand total of 3 workbooks, and 3 worksheets that are applicable to this part of my code (bookA.sheet1, bookB.sheet1, bookC.sheet1).
Its is being saved as a macro-enabled-template (.xltm) if that makes any difference....
Originally I was trying to do it with this rFound function I found online:
However... I'm wondering if a simple in-line call if .Find would work just as well...
Thing is, I got .Find to work in a test book, and it just returned the value I was looking for and then found ("2020") it did not return the location of it.
Except now its not working and I have no idea why
It was... and then I changed something (can't remember what) and not its not working... and no matter what I try to change back its giving me errors...
I know there is a lot of text and code here to go through... but I am totally totally stumped and have NO idea how to get this finding thing working short of using VLOOKUP, which I was told takes AGES to get through large numbers of rows.... any help would be greatly appreciated and will be rewarded with yummy imaginary cookies :D
The data (workbookA.sheet1.columnA) is saved to (set as the value of) a variable "resource_name" which should then search for it in the other sheet (workbookB.sheet1) to see if it even exists (in this case I want a true/false type of result from .find, or some other funtion... I'm attempting to use .find to do this and us an if-then-else statement).
Then, if it does NOT exist, it can discard the data (not do anything further) and then continue to the next iteration of the loop which should jump to the next row down (WorkbookA.sheet.1.columnA) with a new string value for "resource_name" and search for it in the other workbook (workbookB.sheet1) again.
If it DOES exist in workbookB.sheet1 however, then it must pull more data from WorkbookA.sheet1, and save string information to variables 'year', 'month', and 'generation'. Then in WorkbookC.sheet1, it must search for 'year' across row1, and save which column it is found is so that it can then start at that column and search row2 for 'month' - and then save that column as the final_col.
Finally it must search down columnA (still workbookC.sheet1) for "resource_name" and, if it DOES find it, use that row and then final_col (that it found the correct month on) to put the string contained in the "generation" variable into the cell determined by this row/column.
If it does NOT however, find the "resource_name" in ColA, it must look for the first (hightest) row with no data in colA (= "") and then input "resource_name" to colA as well as "generation" to the coordinates of this row and final_col (from searching for the month)
There are a grand total of 3 workbooks, and 3 worksheets that are applicable to this part of my code (bookA.sheet1, bookB.sheet1, bookC.sheet1).
Its is being saved as a macro-enabled-template (.xltm) if that makes any difference....
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
s = 2
[COLOR=#008000] 'do until it reaches the bottom or hits an empty cell
[/COLOR] Do While s <= 2000 And Cells(s, 1) <> ""
[COLOR=#008000] 'For s = 2 To 65536 Step 1 And Cells(s, 1) <> "" 'for top to absolute bottom, until the colA row s is equal to nothing
resource_name = Workbooks(StaMoPerf).Worksheets(1).Cells(s, 3) [COLOR=#008000]'pull a string from the cell in sheet StaMoPerf
[COLOR=#008000]'determine if the resource_name already exists on 'MonthlyPlanningEnergy' sheet for reference
[/COLOR] find_it = rFound(resource_name, MonthlyPlanningEnergy, Worksheets(1), 2, 4, xlByColumns)
If find_it Is Nothing Then [COLOR=#008000]'if it does not exist on monthly planning energy sheet, 'then do nothing (discard data/go to next iteration)
[/COLOR] [COLOR=#008000]'do nothing
month = Workbooks(StaMoPerf).Worksheets(1).Cells(s, 2).Value [COLOR=#008000]'save data (string value) to a variable 'month'
[/COLOR] year = Workbooks(StaMoPerf).Worksheets(1).Cells(s, 1).Value [COLOR=#008000]'save data (string value) to a variable 'year'
[/COLOR] generation = Workbooks(StaMoPerf).Worksheets(1).Cells(s, 5).Value [COLOR=#008000]'save data (integer value) to a variable 'generation'
[COLOR=#008000]'search through Row 1 of thisworkbook to find the year, and save the column location
[/COLOR] year_col.Column = rFound(year, ThisWorkbook, Worksheets(1), 1, 1, xlByRows)
[COLOR=#008000]'starting at the column the year was found at, search for the month in Row 2, and save the column location where it was found
[/COLOR] final_col.Column = rFound(month, ThisWorkbook, Worksheets(1), 2, year_col.Column, xlByRows)
[COLOR=#008000]'look at the final sheet and see if the resource_name is already in column A somewhere (save Row location)
[/COLOR] existing_row.Row = rFound(resource_name, ThisWorkbook, Worksheets(1), 1, 1, xlByColumns)
If existing_row = False Then
[COLOR=#008000]'look for first (top) blank row and write it in
'I'll write this code later
[/COLOR] Else
[COLOR=#008000]'if the resource_name can be found in col A, then use that row # and the col # from finding the month to write
'generation to the coordinates[/COLOR].
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Cells(existing_row.Row, final_col.Column).Value = generation
End If
End If
s = s + 1 [COLOR=#008000]'increment s to continue the while loop
[/COLOR] 'Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox ("Finished!")
Originally I was trying to do it with this rFound function I found online:
Function rFound(lost, book, sheet, row_start, col_start, search_direction_xlByRows_or_xlByColumns) As Range
[COLOR=#008000]'Dim book As Workbook
'Dim sheet As Worksheet
'Dim col_start As Integer
'Dim row_start As Integer[/COLOR][COLOR=#008000]
'Dim rFound As Range
'Before I commented the Dim's out it was telling me that it was over dimentioned or something....[/COLOR]
On Error Resume Next
'[COLOR=#008000]I would like it to return a 'false' value or otherwise be able to catch the error... but I don't know how....[/COLOR]
With book.sheet
Set rFound = .Columns(1).Find(What:=lost, After:=.Cells(row_start, col_start), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:= _
xlWhole, SearchOrder:=search_direction_xlByRows_or_xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False _
, SearchFormat:=False)
'[COLOR=#008000]more error handling that I dont know how to modify....[/COLOR]
On Error GoTo 0
If Not rFound Is Nothing Then Application.Goto rFound, True
End With
End Function
However... I'm wondering if a simple in-line call if .Find would work just as well...
Thing is, I got .Find to work in a test book, and it just returned the value I was looking for and then found ("2020") it did not return the location of it.
Except now its not working and I have no idea why

Sub test()
Dim i As Range
[B][COLOR=#daa520]Set i = Worksheets(1).Find("2020", Range("A1"), xlValues, xlWhole, xlByRows, xlNext).Row
[/COLOR][/B][COLOR=#800000][Runtime error 438: Object doesn't support this porperty or method]
MsgBox (i)
End Sub
I know there is a lot of text and code here to go through... but I am totally totally stumped and have NO idea how to get this finding thing working short of using VLOOKUP, which I was told takes AGES to get through large numbers of rows.... any help would be greatly appreciated and will be rewarded with yummy imaginary cookies :D
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