Find, Max function


Well-known Member
Aug 15, 2012
Office Version
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I have this roster and need to find
1.The max time shift for every emp in No of shift column
2.Need to display the week day off in Week off column
by any change is there a function or VBA code to find the same. below is the sample

IDName7/11/217/12/217/13/217/14/217/15/217/16/217/17/21No of Shift (Output)Week Off (Output)
e0700-11001030-1430OFFOFFOFF1030-14300700-11000700-1100 : 1030-1430Tue,Wed,thu
fOFF0900-17000900-17000900-17000900-17000900-1700OFF0900-1700Sun, Sat
g1630-0100OFFOFF1630-01001630-0100No longer employed1630-01001630-0100Mon, Tue
mOFFLeave of absenceLeave of absenceLeave of absenceLeave of absenceLeave of absenceOFF-Sun, Sat
Here is a user defined function you can use for days off.

  1. Copy the code below into a module in a copy of your workbook to test.
  2. Enter "=DaysOff($C$1:$I$1,C3:I3)" into the "Week Off (Output)" column
    1. Where $C$1:$I$1 is the column headers for days of the week and C3:I3 is the row you are reviewing
  3. Then copy the formula down for as many rows as you want to check
VBA Code:
Function DaysOff(days As Range, sel As Range) As String
    Dim d As Variant
    Dim s As Variant
    Dim i As Integer
    If sel.Rows.Count <> 1 Then
        DaysOff = "#ERROR! Select only 1 row of data."
        Exit Function
    End If
    If days.Rows.Count <> 1 Then
        DaysOff = "#ERROR! Select only 1 row for days of the week."
        Exit Function
    End If
    If days.Columns.Count <> sel.Columns.Count Then
        DaysOff = "#ERROR! Select the same number of columns for days and data."
        Exit Function
    End If
    d = days.Value
    s = sel.Value
    For i = 1 To sel.Columns.Count
        If s(1, i) = "OFF" Then
            If DaysOff = "" Then
                DaysOff = Mid(d(1, i), 1, 3)
                DaysOff = DaysOff & ", " & Mid(d(1, i), 1, 3)
            End If
        End If
    Next i
End Function

I am looking into the "No of Shift (Output)" next.
Upvote 0
If you are interested in non VBA solution, please check the below suggestions:

1SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayUsing Helper CellsHelper CellsUsing Filter Formula (Office 365)
2IDName11-Jul-2112-Jul-2113-Jul-2114-Jul-2115-Jul-2116-Jul-2117-Jul-21No of Shift (Output)Week Off (Output)
31aOFF1500-21001500-21001500-21001500-21001500-21001200-21001500-2100, 1500-2100, 1500-2100, 1500-2100, 1500-2100, 1200-2100,Sunday,1500-21001500-21001500-21001500-21001500-21001200-2100 Sunday      1500-2100, 1500-2100, 1500-2100, 1500-2100, 1500-2100, 1200-2100Sunday
42bOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFF,Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday       SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
53cOFF0800-18300800-18300800-18300800-1830OFFOFF0800-1830, 0800-1830, 0800-1830, 0800-1830,Sunday, Friday, Saturday,0800-18300800-18300800-18300800-1830   SundayFridaySaturday    0800-1830, 0800-1830, 0800-1830, 0800-1830Sunday, Friday, Saturday
64d0700-15300700-1530OFFOFF0700-15300700-15300700-15300700-1530, 0700-1530, 0700-1530, 0700-1530, 0700-1530,Tuesday, Wednesday,0700-15300700-15300700-15300700-15300700-1530  TuesdayWednesday     0700-1530, 0700-1530, 0700-1530, 0700-1530, 0700-1530Tuesday, Wednesday
75e0700-11001030-1430OFFOFFOFF1030-14300700-11000700-1100, 1030-1430, 1030-1430, 0700-1100,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,0700-11001030-14301030-14300700-1100   TuesdayWednesdayThursday    0700-1100, 1030-1430, 1030-1430, 0700-1100Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
86fOFF0900-17000900-17000900-17000900-17000900-1700OFF0900-1700, 0900-1700, 0900-1700, 0900-1700, 0900-1700,Sunday, Saturday,0900-17000900-17000900-17000900-17000900-1700  SundaySaturday     0900-1700, 0900-1700, 0900-1700, 0900-1700, 0900-1700Sunday, Saturday
97g1630-0100OFFOFF1630-01001630-0100No longer employed1630-01001630-0100, 1630-0100, 1630-0100, 1630-0100,Monday, Tuesday,1630-01001630-01001630-01001630-0100   MondayTuesday     1630-0100, 1630-0100, 1630-0100, 1630-0100Monday, Tuesday
108h1000-18301000-18301000-1830OFFOFF1000-1830Suspended1000-1830, 1000-1830, 1000-1830, 1000-1830,Wednesday, Thursday,1000-18301000-18301000-18301000-1830   WednesdayThursday     1000-1830, 1000-1830, 1000-1830, 1000-1830Wednesday, Thursday
1113mOFFLeave of absenceLeave of absenceLeave of absenceLeave of absenceLeave of absenceOFF,Sunday, Saturday,       SundaySaturday      Sunday, Saturday
Cell Formulas
J3:J11J3=TRIM(SUBSTITUTE(M3&", "&N3&", "&O3&", "&P3&", "&Q3&", "&R3&", "&S3," ,",""))
K3:K11K3=TRIM(SUBSTITUTE(T3&", "&U3&", "&V3&", "&W3&", "&X3&", "&Y3&", "&Z3," ,",""))
M3:S11M3=IFERROR(INDEX($C3:$I3,AGGREGATE(15,3,($C3:$I3<>"OFF")/($C3:$I3<>"OFF")*($C3:$I3<>"No longer employed")/($C3:$I3<>"No longer employed")*($C3:$I3<>"Suspended")/($C3:$I3<>"Suspended")*($C3:$I3<>"Leave of absence")/($C3:$I3<>"Leave of absence")*(COLUMN($C3:$I3)-COLUMN($B3)),COLUMNS($C3:C3))),"")
AB3:AB11AB3=TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,FILTER(C3:I3,($C3:$I3<>"OFF")*($C3:$I3<>"No longer employed")*($C3:$I3<>"Suspended")*($C3:$I3<>"Leave of absence"),""))
AC3:AC11AC3=TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,FILTER($C$1:$I$1,(C3:I3="OFF"),""))

It would be much easier with the new array formulas in MS Office 365 (no need for helper cells)

Let me know

M. Yusuf
Upvote 0
It should display only 1 shift time
in the 1 record, there are 2 shift times, and so need to display the max one that is 1500-2100 (as this count is more)
In the 5 record, there are 2 shift rimes and both the counts are the same so it will be 0700-1100 : 1030-1430 (as both the count are same 2)

I hope I am able to explain.

I'm not clear on the logic for the below requirement based on your sample data. Can you elaborate?
Upvote 0
If you are interested in non VBA solution, please check the below suggestions:

1SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayUsing Helper CellsHelper CellsUsing Filter Formula (Office 365)
2IDName11-Jul-2112-Jul-2113-Jul-2114-Jul-2115-Jul-2116-Jul-2117-Jul-21No of Shift (Output)Week Off (Output)
31aOFF1500-21001500-21001500-21001500-21001500-21001200-21001500-2100, 1500-2100, 1500-2100, 1500-2100, 1500-2100, 1200-2100,Sunday,1500-21001500-21001500-21001500-21001500-21001200-2100 Sunday      1500-2100, 1500-2100, 1500-2100, 1500-2100, 1500-2100, 1200-2100Sunday
42bOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFF,Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday       SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
53cOFF0800-18300800-18300800-18300800-1830OFFOFF0800-1830, 0800-1830, 0800-1830, 0800-1830,Sunday, Friday, Saturday,0800-18300800-18300800-18300800-1830   SundayFridaySaturday    0800-1830, 0800-1830, 0800-1830, 0800-1830Sunday, Friday, Saturday
64d0700-15300700-1530OFFOFF0700-15300700-15300700-15300700-1530, 0700-1530, 0700-1530, 0700-1530, 0700-1530,Tuesday, Wednesday,0700-15300700-15300700-15300700-15300700-1530  TuesdayWednesday     0700-1530, 0700-1530, 0700-1530, 0700-1530, 0700-1530Tuesday, Wednesday
75e0700-11001030-1430OFFOFFOFF1030-14300700-11000700-1100, 1030-1430, 1030-1430, 0700-1100,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,0700-11001030-14301030-14300700-1100   TuesdayWednesdayThursday    0700-1100, 1030-1430, 1030-1430, 0700-1100Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
86fOFF0900-17000900-17000900-17000900-17000900-1700OFF0900-1700, 0900-1700, 0900-1700, 0900-1700, 0900-1700,Sunday, Saturday,0900-17000900-17000900-17000900-17000900-1700  SundaySaturday     0900-1700, 0900-1700, 0900-1700, 0900-1700, 0900-1700Sunday, Saturday
97g1630-0100OFFOFF1630-01001630-0100No longer employed1630-01001630-0100, 1630-0100, 1630-0100, 1630-0100,Monday, Tuesday,1630-01001630-01001630-01001630-0100   MondayTuesday     1630-0100, 1630-0100, 1630-0100, 1630-0100Monday, Tuesday
108h1000-18301000-18301000-1830OFFOFF1000-1830Suspended1000-1830, 1000-1830, 1000-1830, 1000-1830,Wednesday, Thursday,1000-18301000-18301000-18301000-1830   WednesdayThursday     1000-1830, 1000-1830, 1000-1830, 1000-1830Wednesday, Thursday
1113mOFFLeave of absenceLeave of absenceLeave of absenceLeave of absenceLeave of absenceOFF,Sunday, Saturday,       SundaySaturday      Sunday, Saturday
Cell Formulas
J3:J11J3=TRIM(SUBSTITUTE(M3&", "&N3&", "&O3&", "&P3&", "&Q3&", "&R3&", "&S3," ,",""))
K3:K11K3=TRIM(SUBSTITUTE(T3&", "&U3&", "&V3&", "&W3&", "&X3&", "&Y3&", "&Z3," ,",""))
M3:S11M3=IFERROR(INDEX($C3:$I3,AGGREGATE(15,3,($C3:$I3<>"OFF")/($C3:$I3<>"OFF")*($C3:$I3<>"No longer employed")/($C3:$I3<>"No longer employed")*($C3:$I3<>"Suspended")/($C3:$I3<>"Suspended")*($C3:$I3<>"Leave of absence")/($C3:$I3<>"Leave of absence")*(COLUMN($C3:$I3)-COLUMN($B3)),COLUMNS($C3:C3))),"")
AB3:AB11AB3=TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,FILTER(C3:I3,($C3:$I3<>"OFF")*($C3:$I3<>"No longer employed")*($C3:$I3<>"Suspended")*($C3:$I3<>"Leave of absence"),""))
AC3:AC11AC3=TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,FILTER($C$1:$I$1,(C3:I3="OFF"),""))

It would be much easier with the new array formulas in MS Office 365 (no need for helper cells)

Let me know

M. Yusuf
Hi Yusuf,
I have tried this function and it is perfect (done some modifications)

Just one change is required, if you can check and modify (my original thread ref Id no 5.) 2 times should be displayed.

Excel Formula:
=IFERROR(INDEX($D3:$J3,AGGREGATE(15,3,($D3:$J3<>"OFF")/($D3:$J3<>"OFF")*($D3:$J3<>"No longer employed")/($D3:$J3<>"No longer employed")*($D3:$J3<>"Suspended")/($D3:$J3<>"Suspended")*($D3:$J3<>"Leave of absence")/($D3:$J3<>"Leave of absence")*($D3:$J3<>"ABS - COVID19")/($D3:$J3<>"ABS - COVID19")*($D3:$J3<>"SUTO")/($D3:$J3<>"SUTO")*($D3:$J3<>"Unpaid FMLA")/($D3:$J3<>"Unpaid FMLA")*(COLUMN($D3:$J3)-COLUMN($C3)),COLUMNS($C3:C3))),"")
Upvote 0
It should display only 1 shift time
in the 1 record, there are 2 shift times, and so need to display the max one that is 1500-2100 (as this count is more)
In the 5 record, there are 2 shift rimes and both the counts are the same so it will be 0700-1100 : 1030-1430 (as both the count are same 2)

I hope I am able to explain.

Any luck or update
Upvote 0
No of Shifts Function

  1. Copy the code below into a module in a copy of your workbook to test.
  2. Enter "=MaxShifts(C2:I2)" into the "No of Shift (Output)" column
    1. Where C2:I2 is the row you are reviewing
  3. Then copy the formula down for as many rows as you want to check

VBA Code:
Function MaxShifts(sel As Range) As String
    Dim arr As New Collection, a
    Dim s As Variant
    Dim d As Variant
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim tmpMax As Long
    If sel.Rows.Count <> 1 Then
        MaxShifts = "#ERROR! Select only 1 row of data."
        Exit Function
    End If
    s = sel.Value
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each a In s
        If a <> "OFF" Then
            arr.Add a, a
        End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    Select Case arr.Count
    Case Is = 1
        MaxShifts = arr(1)
    Case Is > 1
        ReDim d(1, arr.Count - 1)
        For i = 0 To arr.Count - 1
            d(0, i) = arr(i + 1)
            d(1, i) = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(sel, "=" & arr(i + 1))
        Next i
        For j = LBound(d, 1) To UBound(d, 1)
            If d(1, j) > tmpMax Then tmpMax = d(1, j)
        Next j
        For j = LBound(d, 1) To UBound(d, 1)
            If MaxShifts = "" Then
                If d(1, j) = tmpMax Then MaxShifts = d(0, j)
                If d(1, j) = tmpMax Then MaxShifts = MaxShifts & " : " & d(0, j)
            End If
        Next j
    Case Else
        MaxShifts = ""
    End Select
    If InStr(1, MaxShifts, "-", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then MaxShifts = ""
End Function
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