Find carriage return in cell & highlight row


New Member
Jun 14, 2007
I know there's been discussions here before on how to search for carriage returns, but my needs are a little different, and being a newbie, I can't seem to figure it out myself.

I have a spreadsheet where one of the cells should contain only a single part number. But to save time, in certain instances the user has put one part number, hit Alt-Enter and entered a second part number. They do this because all the other information on the row is identical for both parts.

Now I need to search all cells for carriage returns, and if found, do one of two things;

Option A - Highlight the row in yellow. Then a user can go thru and manually copy the row, and change the existing row and the new row to contain a single part number only, or....

Option B - Automatically insert a new row after the offending row, and copy and paste the row. Then highlight both rows for the user to modify. This would at least save the user a little time.

Note there is also other columns that could contain a carriage return as well. I'd like to copy those rows as well. So all cells would need to be searched and either option A or B performed. But if multiple cells in the same row have Carriage returns, I only want to copy the row once.

Thanks in advance,

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Hi Ronnie

You could use conditional formatting for this (in the example, I selected A1:B6 and went Format>Conditional Formatting):

Excel Workbook
2RichardSchollar1 House
3Jeremy2 Houses
4Daniel1 Car
5DonaldTrump10 Houses20 Cars
6Samuel1 House1 Car
Cells with Conditional Formatting
CellConditionCell FormatStop If True
A11. / Formula is =COUNTIF(1:1,"*"&CHAR(10)&"*")>0Abc
B11. / Formula is =COUNTIF(1:1,"*"&CHAR(10)&"*")>0Abc
A21. / Formula is =COUNTIF(2:2,"*"&CHAR(10)&"*")>0Abc
B21. / Formula is =COUNTIF(2:2,"*"&CHAR(10)&"*")>0Abc
A31. / Formula is =COUNTIF(3:3,"*"&CHAR(10)&"*")>0Abc
B31. / Formula is =COUNTIF(3:3,"*"&CHAR(10)&"*")>0Abc
A41. / Formula is =COUNTIF(4:4,"*"&CHAR(10)&"*")>0Abc
B41. / Formula is =COUNTIF(4:4,"*"&CHAR(10)&"*")>0Abc
A51. / Formula is =COUNTIF(5:5,"*"&CHAR(10)&"*")>0Abc
B51. / Formula is =COUNTIF(5:5,"*"&CHAR(10)&"*")>0Abc
A61. / Formula is =COUNTIF(6:6,"*"&CHAR(10)&"*")>0Abc
B61. / Formula is =COUNTIF(6:6,"*"&CHAR(10)&"*")>0Abc

EDIT: having selected A1:B6 and gone Format>Conditional Formatting, you only need to enter the following formula and then select your desired format (the other cells in A1:B6 will have the right formula applied to them)

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thanks Richard. That looks like it will work. I have never used conditional formatting before. If someone before me had applied conditional formating, is there a way to know where conditional formating has been applied?

For example, I used the conditional formating to apply cell shade yellow. Now that my row is yellow, if I didn't know conditional formating had been applied and try to go into Format-Cells and remove the yellow shading, it won't take. Because the conditional formating is overriding. How would I know that conditional formating is being used?
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Just for my education, my attempt at doing this with a macro is this;

Sub findrow()
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim lastRw As Long, newRw As Long, i As Long
Dim lookFor As String
Dim found As Integer

lookFor = vbCrLf

Set ws1 = Sheets("Sheet1")

With ws1

lastRw = .Cells.Find(What:="*", _
After:=.Range("A1"), LookIn:=xlValues, _

For i = 1 To lastRw
    On Error Resume Next
    found = 0
    found = .Rows(i).Find(What:=lookFor, _
    After:=.Range("A" & i), LookIn:=xlValues, _
    If found <> 0 Then
       ' highlight row here
    End If

End With

End Sub

It doesn't seem to be finding the rows thought. And I don't know the syntax to highlight the row.
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Someone please look at my code above and tell me how to change to search for carriage returns, and how to change the shading on the row once found. Please???????
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OK first things first:

How do you know CF has been applied? Maybe by using a helper column that contains exactly the same test as used in the CF formula itself - if True, then CF is applied, if False then CF isn't applied etc.

I'm pretty sure your code should work BUT! you aren't simply looking for a LineFeed character (ie Ascii character 10) - you are seraching on a vbCrLf which is a pairing of a Carriage Return (Ascii character 13) and a LineFeed. The code will probably work if you use vbLf instead - as this is only a LineFeed character.

Hope this helps!

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I tried vbLf, vbCrLf, and vbCr. None worked correctly. I even tried searching for plain text that I knew was in one of the cells, and it didn't find it. So I think my logic is flawed somewhere.

Your solution using the Conditional Formatting has worked fine for me. But it would be nice to figure out the vb macro as well. I thought the problem might be in the syntax of my Find function. Specifically, the After clause.
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Declare found as a range and amend the code in the relevant parts to:

Dim found as Range


Set found = .Rows(i).Find(What:=lookFor, _ 
     LookIn:=xlValues, Lookat:=xlPart, _
If Not found Is Nothing 'ie lookfor's been found
 'apply formatting
End If

I didn't read carefully enough - Find returns an object if something is found, so you need your variable properly declared to handle it. The LookAt bit makes sure it will find matches within a cell. I deleted the After bit, as I don't think it was important.

Hope this works!
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Okay, that worked. Thanks Richard.

Here is the final code in case someone else needs it. It searchs all cells for a line feed and changes the background color of the row to yellow if found.

Sub findrow()
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim lastRw As Long, newRw As Long, i As Long, p As Long
Dim lookFor As String
Dim found As Range

lookFor = vbLf

Set ws1 = Sheets("Sheet1")

With ws1

lastRw = .Cells.Find(What:="*", _
After:=.Range("A1"), LookIn:=xlValues, _

For i = 1 To lastRw
    On Error Resume Next
Set found = .Rows(i).Find(What:=lookFor, _
     LookIn:=xlValues, Lookat:=xlPart, _
If Not found Is Nothing Then 'ie lookfor's been found
 'apply formatting
 .Rows(i).Interior.ColorIndex = 27
End If


End With

End Sub
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