Find a value between two range of angles in degrees


New Member
Aug 13, 2013

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 518"]
[TD="width: 94, bgcolor: transparent"]B
[TD="width: 106, bgcolor: transparent"]C
[TD="width: 84, bgcolor: transparent"]D
[TD="width: 100, bgcolor: transparent"]E
[TD="width: 78, bgcolor: transparent"]F
[TD="width: 116, bgcolor: transparent"]G
[TD="width: 110, bgcolor: transparent"]H
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]Natal House
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]Start House(NZ)
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]Degree Start
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]End House(NZ)
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]Degree End
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]Degree Cum Start
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]Degree Cum End
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]1
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]10
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]01°42'56.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]11
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]10°08'45.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]271°42'56.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]310°08'45.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]2
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]11
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]10°08'45.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]12
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]17°28'53.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]310°08'45.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]347°28'53.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]3
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]12
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]17°28'53.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]1
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]18°15'04.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]347°28'53.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]18°15'04.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]4
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]1
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]18°15'04.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]2
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]13°31'10.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]18°15'04.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]43°31'10.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]5
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]2
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]13°31'10.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]3
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]06°41'22.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]43°31'10.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]66°41'22.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]6
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]3
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]06°41'22.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]4
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]01°42'56.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]66°41'22.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]91°42'56.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]7
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]4
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]01°42'56.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]5
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]10°08'45.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]91°42'56.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]130°08'45.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]8
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]5
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]10°08'45.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]6
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]17°28'53.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]130°08'45.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]167°28'53.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]9
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]6
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]17°28'53.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]7
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]18°15'04.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]167°28'53.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]198°15'04.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]10
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]7
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]18°15'04.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]8
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]13°31'10.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]198°15'04.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]223°31'10.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]11
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]8
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]13°31'10.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]9
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]06°41'22.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]223°31'10.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]246°41'22.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]12
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]9
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]06°41'22.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]10
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]01°42'56.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]246°41'22.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]271°42'56.00
I want to create a formula to find a value between a range. for example 9 degree lies in this row
[TABLE="class: grid, width: 518"]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]347°28'53.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]18°15'04.00

this is because after 347 it goes to 360 and then starts the counting till 18 degree and 9 degree lies in that. So I want to display the result of natal column in this case it is 3.

I have used this formula :=IF(AND($AA11 >=$G$8,$AA11 <$H$8),$B$8,IF(AND($AA11 >=$G$9,$AA11 <$H$9),$B$9,IF(AND($AA11 >=$G$10,$AA11 <$H$10),$B$10,IF(AND($AA11 >=$G$11,$AA11 <$H$11),$B$11,IF(AND($AA11 >=$G$12,$AA11 <$H$12),$B$12,IF(AND($AA11 >=$G$13,$AA11 <$H$13),$B$13,IF(AND($AA11 >=$G$14,$AA11 <$H$14),$B$14,IF(AND($AA11 >=$G$15,$AA11 <$H$15),$B$15,IF(AND($AA11 >=$G$16,$AA11 <$H$16),$B$16,IF(AND($AA11 >=$G$17,$AA11 <$H$17),$B$17,IF(AND($AA11 >=$G$18,$AA11 <$H$18),$B$18,IF(AND($AA11 >=$G$19,$AA11 <$H$19),$B$19,"Combination Not available"))))))))))))

but it is not working. I wanted to use switch formula but for some reason this does not show up in the excel 2016 so I have to use this kind of if formula. Anyway this is a second question.


Excel Facts

Copy formula down without changing references
If you have =SUM(F2:F49) in F50; type Alt+' in F51 to copy =SUM(F2:F49) to F51, leaving the formula in edit mode. Change SUM to COUNT.
It sounds like you are looking for one of two things.
Either you are looking for a formula that will return the angle between one vector and another when they are on different sides of the x-axis.

e.g. the angle between 315° and 45° is 90°, but the angle between 45° and 315° is 270°.
in which case a formula like =MOD(A1-B1+360, 360) would work

OR you are looking for the interior angle of two vectors, where the angle between 45° and 315° is the same as the angle between 315° and 45°, i.e. 90°

like =MIN(MOD(A2-B2+360, 360), MOD(B2-A2+360, 360))
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Upvote 0
The numbers look like celestial coordinates for a horoscope, to me.

I would bet the coordinates are entered as text, not as a true number with custom formatting. To do number comparisons, we will convert 9°00′00″ to decimal degrees. Note that this formula requires degrees up to 3 digits, 2-digit minutes, and seconds with 2 whole digits and 2 decimal digits. You cannot omit digits in the minutes and seconds fields.

Convert $AA11 (contains 9°00′00.00″ as text) to decimal degrees:

I suggest using a lookup table to find the natal house. I've placed the table in P10:Q23.

[TD="class: xl64"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl64"] P
[TD="class: xl64, width: 64"] Q [/TD]

[TD="class: xl64, bgcolor: transparent, align: center"] 10
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]Lookup[/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]House[/TD]

[TD="class: xl64, bgcolor: transparent, align: center"] 11 [/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]0[/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]3[/TD]

[TD="class: xl64, bgcolor: transparent, align: center"] 12 [/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]18.25111[/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]4[/TD]

[TD="class: xl64, bgcolor: transparent, align: center"] 13 [/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]43.51944[/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]5[/TD]

[TD="class: xl64, bgcolor: transparent, align: center"] 14 [/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]66.68944[/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]6[/TD]

[TD="class: xl64, bgcolor: transparent, align: center"] 15 [/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]91.71556[/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]7[/TD]

[TD="class: xl64, bgcolor: transparent, align: center"] 16 [/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]130.1458[/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]8[/TD]

[TD="class: xl64, bgcolor: transparent, align: center"] 17 [/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]167.4814[/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]9[/TD]

[TD="class: xl64, bgcolor: transparent, align: center"] 18 [/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]198.2511[/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]10[/TD]

[TD="class: xl64, bgcolor: transparent, align: center"] 19 [/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]223.5194[/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]11[/TD]

[TD="class: xl64, bgcolor: transparent, align: center"] 20 [/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]246.6894[/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]12[/TD]

[TD="class: xl64, bgcolor: transparent, align: center"] 21 [/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]271.7156[/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]1[/TD]

[TD="class: xl64, bgcolor: transparent, align: center"] 22 [/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]310.1458[/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]2[/TD]

[TD="class: xl64, align: center"] 23 [/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]347.4814[/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, align: right"]3[/TD]


The lookup formula I suggest is:
=VLOOKUP(Converted_AA11, P11:Q23, 2,TRUE)

If you want to do the conversion and lookup in one formula, use:
=VLOOKUP(LEFT($AA11,LEN($AA11)-9)+MID($AA11,LEN($AA11)-7,2)/60+RIGHT($AA11,5)/3600, P11:Q23, 2,TRUE)
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Thanks for your reply. I am looking for a formula which when applied to the I row can find out that the angle lies in which row. so for example 9 degree lies between 347°28'53.00 and 18°15'04.00(3rd Row) so it should produce the column value for Natal House which is 3 and 212 lies in 10th row because it lies between 198 and 223. I want this generic formula so it works for both the conditions.

Please let me know if I am not clear?

Upvote 0
Thank you for your reply.

You are absolutely right it is used in celestial coordinates for a horoscope. I am using this custom formatting 00"°"00"'"00.00. Let me try If this formula works for all conditions?

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I applied this formula LEFT($AA11,LEN($AA11)-9)+MID($AA11,LEN($AA11)-7,2)/60+RIGHT($AA11,5)/3600 on this number 09°20'00.00 but it returns invalid value error the text formatting I am using is this format 00"°"00"'"00.00


[TABLE="width: 147"]
[TD="align: right"]
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This should turn a DMS string into decimal degrees.
Upvote 0
I think I now understand. The number in A11 under General formatting would be: 90000.00
With the custom number formatting, A11 will display as 09°00'00.00

Try this.
The lookup table should be:

[TABLE="width: 192"]
[TD="class: xl64, width: 64"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]P[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]Q[/TD]
[TD="class: xl66, width: 64, bgcolor: transparent"]10[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]Lookup[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]House[/TD]
[TD="class: xl66, width: 64, bgcolor: transparent"]11[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]0[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]3[/TD]
[TD="class: xl66, width: 64, bgcolor: transparent"]12[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]181504[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]4[/TD]
[TD="class: xl66, width: 64, bgcolor: transparent"]13[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]433110[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]5[/TD]
[TD="class: xl66, width: 64, bgcolor: transparent"]14[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]664122[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]6[/TD]
[TD="class: xl66, width: 64, bgcolor: transparent"]15[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]914256[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]7[/TD]
[TD="class: xl66, width: 64, bgcolor: transparent"]16[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]1300845[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]8[/TD]
[TD="class: xl66, width: 64, bgcolor: transparent"]17[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]1672853[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]9[/TD]
[TD="class: xl66, width: 64, bgcolor: transparent"]18[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]1981504[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]10[/TD]
[TD="class: xl66, width: 64, bgcolor: transparent"]19[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]2233110[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]11[/TD]
[TD="class: xl66, width: 64, bgcolor: transparent"]20[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]2464122[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]12[/TD]
[TD="class: xl66, width: 64, bgcolor: transparent"]21[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]2714256[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]1[/TD]
[TD="class: xl66, width: 64, bgcolor: transparent"]22[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]3100845[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]2[/TD]
[TD="class: xl66, width: 64"]23[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]3472853[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]3[/TD]

The lookup formula:
=VLOOKUP($AA11, $P$11:$Q$23, 2, TRUE)

You can apply your custom number format to the cells in column P and it won't affect the results. I have shown the numbers as they display under General format.
Upvote 0
This formula does not help because after converting it into decimal when I tried to apply my formula :

IF(AND($AA11 >=$G$8,$AA11 <$H$8),$B$8,IF(AND($AA11 >=$G$9,$AA11 <$H$9),$B$9,IF(AND($AA11 >=$G$10,$AA11 <$H$10),$B$10,IF(AND($AA11 >=$G$11,$AA11 <$H$11),$B$11,IF(AND($AA11 >=$G$12,$AA11 <$H$12),$B$12,IF(AND($AA11 >=$G$13,$AA11 <$H$13),$B$13,IF(AND($AA11 >=$G$14,$AA11 <$H$14),$B$14,IF(AND($AA11 >=$G$15,$AA11 <$H$15),$B$15,IF(AND($AA11 >=$G$16,$AA11 <$H$16),$B$16,IF(AND($AA11 >=$G$17,$AA11 <$H$17),$B$17,IF(AND($AA11 >=$G$18,$AA11 <$H$18),$B$18,IF(AND($AA11 >=$G$19,$AA11 <$H$19),$B$19,"Combination Not available"))))))))))))

It does not show that 09°20'00.00 lies in the third row. I also tried it with Vlookup the results were completely wrong. Here is the quick snapshot of the excel
[TABLE="class: grid, width: 791"]
[TD="width: 338, bgcolor: #B4C6E7"]Degree Start (Decimal)
[TD="width: 147, bgcolor: #B4C6E7"]Degree End (Decimal)
[TD="width: 82, bgcolor: #B4C6E7"]Look Up value
[TD="width: 144, bgcolor: #B4C6E7"]Lookup value Decimal
[TD="width: 275, bgcolor: #B4C6E7"]Result(With IF formula)
[TD="width: 68, bgcolor: #B4C6E7"]With Vlookup
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]65142144
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]74420280
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]74420280
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]83348472
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]83348472
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]4356096
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]4356096
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]10394640
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]10394640
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]15938928
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]222°53'20.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]53407680
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]10
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]-53594640
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]15938928
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]21942144
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]#N/A
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]21942144
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]31220280
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]#N/A
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]31220280
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]40148472
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]294°06'40.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]70575360
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]1
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]-65142144
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]40148472
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]47556096
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]319°13'20.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]76591680
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]2
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]-65142144
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]47556096
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]53594640
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]09°20'00.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]2208000
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]#N/A
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]53594640
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]59138928
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]#N/A
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]59138928
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]65142144
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: center"]#N/A
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
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