I have a final excel project that is due in about a week and a half. I will need help with it. i am listing the requirement below and would love suggestions on how to complete it. I am using the idea of a class of 20 students and their quarter 1, 2, 3, and 4 grades along with final exam grades. But that is only about how far I got.
The project is to include:
Using the BITS 211 Project Starter File to record student information, state the
spreadsheet purpose and the type of data on the documentation sheet. The student will
provide information for all users. Hyperlinks will be created to the specific sheets with
cell references to identify the location of each formula/ calculation or component that is
required. It is also mandatory that a student properly explain the purpose of each
component applied in the spreadsheet (i.e. how does this component add value to your
workbook or solve a business question).
A minimum of two worksheets of data (this is the data you will use to begin your
project), properly formatted to enhance the appearance and standardize the overall theme
and look of the project.
A comprehensive compilation of data
to be approved by the instructor (i.e. 25 students in
a class with at least three grade components each with five scores plus an attendance
worksheet, or an inventory of 25 products with at least five columns of data plus an order
worksheet, or an annual budget of 15 categories plus an income statement worksheet)
four formulas or functions (including one IF statement
—this can be any type of logical-
IF function excluding IFERROR)
Lookup functions are separate from these four formulas.)
a filtered list (to be put on a separate sheet).
conditional formatting (with explanation of purpose on the documentation sheet)
two different types of charts representing different data attractively formatted to show
logical comparisons; grades will be based on readability and sensible choice of chart type
a lookup table with corresponding lookup function
data validation with a corresponding error message
a pivot table with a pivotchart
one of the following items:
one variable data table
goal-seek application
two of the following items:
two variable data table
scenario manager
Required Items
The electronic file, containing all above specifications, must be submitted for assessment
purposes to your instructor at the time of the due date. Please refer to your instructor’s
guidelines for submissions. Electronic review is the best way to confirm accurate formulas,
skills application, and appropriate logical methods.
Points are awarded for accuracy, creativity, logical approach, reasonable application, and
adherence to instructions. See the rubric for item by item point values..
The project is to include:
Using the BITS 211 Project Starter File to record student information, state the
spreadsheet purpose and the type of data on the documentation sheet. The student will
provide information for all users. Hyperlinks will be created to the specific sheets with
cell references to identify the location of each formula/ calculation or component that is
required. It is also mandatory that a student properly explain the purpose of each
component applied in the spreadsheet (i.e. how does this component add value to your
workbook or solve a business question).
A minimum of two worksheets of data (this is the data you will use to begin your
project), properly formatted to enhance the appearance and standardize the overall theme
and look of the project.
A comprehensive compilation of data
to be approved by the instructor (i.e. 25 students in
a class with at least three grade components each with five scores plus an attendance
worksheet, or an inventory of 25 products with at least five columns of data plus an order
worksheet, or an annual budget of 15 categories plus an income statement worksheet)
four formulas or functions (including one IF statement
—this can be any type of logical-
IF function excluding IFERROR)
Lookup functions are separate from these four formulas.)
a filtered list (to be put on a separate sheet).
conditional formatting (with explanation of purpose on the documentation sheet)
two different types of charts representing different data attractively formatted to show
logical comparisons; grades will be based on readability and sensible choice of chart type
a lookup table with corresponding lookup function
data validation with a corresponding error message
a pivot table with a pivotchart
one of the following items:
one variable data table
goal-seek application
two of the following items:
two variable data table
scenario manager
Required Items
The electronic file, containing all above specifications, must be submitted for assessment
purposes to your instructor at the time of the due date. Please refer to your instructor’s
guidelines for submissions. Electronic review is the best way to confirm accurate formulas,
skills application, and appropriate logical methods.
Points are awarded for accuracy, creativity, logical approach, reasonable application, and
adherence to instructions. See the rubric for item by item point values..