I have been using a formula for a while now which works fine. =COUNTIFS(F:F,”Dave*”,H:H,”*”). This will count the cells in column F that have Dave in as long as column H is also filled. I have to do this for different names.
I am trying to streamline this by inputting names into a drop down list in cell ‘O9’ and using whatever is selected as my variable.
I have tried amending the formula to =COUNTIFS(F:F,”=O9*”,H:H,”*”) but this does not work.
Can anyone offer any suggestions please.
I have been using a formula for a while now which works fine. =COUNTIFS(F:F,”Dave*”,H:H,”*”). This will count the cells in column F that have Dave in as long as column H is also filled. I have to do this for different names.
I am trying to streamline this by inputting names into a drop down list in cell ‘O9’ and using whatever is selected as my variable.
I have tried amending the formula to =COUNTIFS(F:F,”=O9*”,H:H,”*”) but this does not work.
Can anyone offer any suggestions please.