I need to fill the field next to 'Enter your TIN'(Highlighted in image) and Enter Mon...
Following is the code I had written for entering the TIN...
When I use the above code to fill the value, it is giving me a run time error '1004'...The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected cell...I don't have the password to unprotect the excel
Manually this filed can be filled so I believe I am doing something wrong in the code.
The file(VAT_SL_EXL_XML.xls) I am using is available @ https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bw97zVRZuJdYXzhnd0dkN2pFZUE&usp=sharing
If image attached is not visible, I have uploaded the same for reference the URL above.
Any help you could provide is much appreciated.
Following is the code I had written for entering the TIN...
' Fill out tin no. - not working
Dim tinNo
tinNo = InputBox("What is your TIN")
range("B1").Value = tinNo
When I use the above code to fill the value, it is giving me a run time error '1004'...The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected cell...I don't have the password to unprotect the excel
Manually this filed can be filled so I believe I am doing something wrong in the code.
The file(VAT_SL_EXL_XML.xls) I am using is available @ https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bw97zVRZuJdYXzhnd0dkN2pFZUE&usp=sharing
If image attached is not visible, I have uploaded the same for reference the URL above.
Any help you could provide is much appreciated.
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