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I created about 130 checkboxes with a script that names them according to the cell they're in. In another script that I use to determine their values and who "owns" them, an error will occasionally happen regarding the assignment of their name to a range variable's Value property (also the Value2 and Default). The assignment comes from a checkbox type variable's .Name property, to be clear. When the error occurs, it is never the same checkbox, but it will persist until I delete the data it is referencing and restart the script, although this sometimes causes everything to crash. The data is stored on a special tab where I have 8 cells containing the UNIQUE formula to pull the names of certain companies from each tab. These company names have the checkboxes next to them, so that when a Listbox is used to select the name of one of the tabs, the company name can be assigned to that tab through my other code. I hope that makes sense.
Rich (BB code):
Option Explicit
Public cBox(0 To 132) As CheckBox
Public stationRngs(0 To 8) As Range
Public oldRowCount(0 To 9) As Long
Public stationStr(0 To 8) As String
Public ownerStr(0 To 132) As String
Public Sub InitSettings()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim WS(0 To 9) As Worksheet
Dim optSht As Worksheet
Dim rg(1 To 9) As Range
Dim uniqueRng(0 To 16) As Range
Dim baseRng As Range
Dim stationRng As Range
Dim i As Long, y As Long, x As Long
Dim checkStr() As String
Dim nameCheck As String
Dim billerName(0 To 8) As String
Dim c As Variant, sc As Variant, cb As Variant
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set optSht = Sheets("Options")
Set baseRng = optSht.Range("G34")
Set stationRng = optSht.Range(wb.Names("Stations"))
For Each cb In optSht.CheckBoxes
cb.Enabled = True
cb.Value = False
For i = 0 To 9
Debug.Print (i)
Set WS(i) = wb.Sheets(Sheets(i + 1).Name)
oldRowCount(i) = WS(i).UsedRange.Rows.Count
ResortRange WS(i), WS(i).ListObjects.Item(1)
If i < 9 Then
x = 0
Set uniqueRng(i) = baseRng.offset(i, 1).Resize(1, optSht.Range("XFC34").End(xlToLeft).Column - 8
Set uniqueRng(i + 8) = baseRng.offset(i + 9, 0)
Set stationRngs(i) = uniqueRng(i + 8).offset(0, 1)
For Each c In uniqueRng(i)
If stationStr(i) = "" And c.Value2 <> "" Then
stationStr(i) = c.Value2
ElseIf stationStr(i) <> "" And c.Value2 = "" Or c.Value = 0 Then
Exit For
stationStr(i) = stationStr(i) & "," & c.Value2
End If
ReDim checkStr(0)
checkStr = Split(stationStr(i), ",")
For Each sc In stationRng
nameCheck = sc.Value2
If InStr(1, stationStr(i), nameCheck) > 0 Then
Set cBox(x) = optSht.CheckBoxes(sc.Cells(1, 2).Address)
' Problem Line is next -----------------------------------------------------
uniqueRng(i + 8).offset(0, x + 1).Value2 = cBox(x).Name
' Problem Line is above -----------------------------------------------------
cBox(x).Value = True
cBox(x).Enabled = False
ownerStr(i) = uniqueRng(i).Cells(1, 0).Value2
x = x + 1
Set stationRngs(i) = Union(stationRngs(i), uniqueRng(i + 8).Cells(1, x + 1))
End If
End If
For i = 1 To 9
Set rg(i) = WS(i).Range("M:M")
Set rg(i) = Union(rg(i), WS(i).Range("O:O"), WS(i).Range("Q:Q"), WS(i).Range("S:S"), WS(i).Range("U:U"))
rg(i).EntireColumn.Hidden = True
End Sub
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