Hi All & Good Day,
I'm student doing my attachment. I've encounter this problem and I really need some help here.
Please kindly help or share any knowlegde if u can. I will be very greatful for any help given. THanks a million in adv.
I've this junk of code and what i need to extract is the ItemID after swItem= but there main problem here is i only need the first part which highlight in blue.
Therefore i'm wondering if it's possible to write a VBA which will find the HTML tag <aclass="udrlinesmall then extract the inform within the which wildcard happen to be <XXXXXXXXXX> and inside the wildcard find the second wildcard which is swItem= then extract the ItemID = "MTX-c380636094ed4c24a5a22b6542" and paste in in a new doc or at the bottom of the doc.
*NOTE : There is more then "swItem=" therefore it need to be inside the <aclass="udrlinesmall xxxxx....> tag
Really thanks everyone in adv. This will be great different in my grade for attachment pls kindly help if can. THANK YOU!
I'm student doing my attachment. I've encounter this problem and I really need some help here.
Please kindly help or share any knowlegde if u can. I will be very greatful for any help given. THanks a million in adv.
I've this junk of code and what i need to extract is the ItemID after swItem= but there main problem here is i only need the first part which highlight in blue.
Therefore i'm wondering if it's possible to write a VBA which will find the HTML tag <aclass="udrlinesmall then extract the inform within the which wildcard happen to be <XXXXXXXXXX> and inside the wildcard find the second wildcard which is swItem= then extract the ItemID = "MTX-c380636094ed4c24a5a22b6542" and paste in in a new doc or at the bottom of the doc.
*NOTE : There is more then "swItem=" therefore it need to be inside the <aclass="udrlinesmall xxxxx....> tag
Really thanks everyone in adv. This will be great different in my grade for attachment pls kindly help if can. THANK YOU!
<tdalign="left"><aclass="udrlinesmall" href="SoftwareDescription.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&prodTypeId=15351&prodSeriesId=1121474&prodNameId=3279719&swEnvOID=4026&swLang=8&mode=2&taskId=135&swItem=MTX-c380636094ed4c24a5a22b6542">Citrix XenServer Hot Fix
<tdclass="small" align="left">4.1.0-11501<br>19 Nov 2008</td>
<tdclass="small" align="left">282.8</td>
<tdclass="small" align="left">56K: >8h<br>512K: 1h</td>
<tdclass="small" align="left"><ahref="SoftwareDescription.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&prodTypeId=15351&prodSeriesId=1121474&prodNameId=3279719&swEnvOID=4026&swLang=8&mode=2&taskId=135&swItem=MTX-772f8a7295c0448c9f333f9d9a" class="udrline">4.1.0-9514</a><br>15 Jul 2008</td>
<tdalign="left"><formaction="SoftwareDownloadEventHandler.jsp?redirectReason=SWD_FTP_Request&swItem=MTX-c380636094ed4c24a5a22b6542&prodSeriesId=1121474&prodLine=SY&targetPage=ftp%3A%2F%2Fftp.hp.com%2Fpub%2Fsoftlib2%2Fsoftware1%2Fpubsw-windows%2Fp702010714%2Fv50434/hpxs-hotfix-11501-b1.zip&filesize=296496139" method="post"><inputclass="primButton" type="submit" value="Download »" name="download" style="float:left;" title="Download" *******='if(window.s_gs){s_linkType="d";s_lnk=s_co(this);s_linkName="SY-hpxs-hotfix-11501-b1.zip";s_prop2="SY";s_prop4="SOAR-MTX-c380636094ed4c24a5a22b6542";s_prop5="1121474-HP ProLiant ML370 G5 Server series";s_gs("hphqglobal,hphqWWsupportBSD")}'"/></form></td>