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Hi there, i adated a code found on the net in order to retreive the email addresses contained on each page of a certain website : Comune di Ariccia (RM) - Italia: Informazioni
Those numbers before the index.html are a code for identifying these Italian towns and i have them all in my excel sheet.
My code works fine but i found out that many pages don't show an email address for the towns.
I searched the internet and found another website who does have all the email addresses, even the certified email address (PEC). I tried my code with the new website but it can't work as on the other site. The new website address is this : E-Mail e PEC del comune di Altino
As you can see, this last website shows two email addresses, i would like them both, one in the first email colomn and the other in a second email column.
If you analyze the page you find that email addresses aren't in the mailto format and therefore i cannot search them as link objects as i did with the first site. I also have to exclude some addresses in the html code because a couple are of the website offering this service (and i don't need them obviously)- I just need the first email and the PEC email.
Here is the code i wrote for the forst website but i'm stuck and don't know how to modify it for the second website (which would be better) : Thanks for any help.
Those numbers before the index.html are a code for identifying these Italian towns and i have them all in my excel sheet.
My code works fine but i found out that many pages don't show an email address for the towns.
I searched the internet and found another website who does have all the email addresses, even the certified email address (PEC). I tried my code with the new website but it can't work as on the other site. The new website address is this : E-Mail e PEC del comune di Altino
As you can see, this last website shows two email addresses, i would like them both, one in the first email colomn and the other in a second email column.
If you analyze the page you find that email addresses aren't in the mailto format and therefore i cannot search them as link objects as i did with the first site. I also have to exclude some addresses in the html code because a couple are of the website offering this service (and i don't need them obviously)- I just need the first email and the PEC email.
Here is the code i wrote for the forst website but i'm stuck and don't know how to modify it for the second website (which would be better) : Thanks for any help.
Sub GetEmail()
Dim ie As Object, WebText As String, Email As String
Dim righe As Integer
Dim codiceistat As String
Dim URL As String
Dim valoreCella As String
'conto le righe nel foglio e le memorizzo in variabile RIGHE
righe = Sheets("Comuni").UsedRange.Rows.Count
'parto dalla riga due in quanto nella 1 ci sono le intestazioni di colonna che non mi interessano
riga = Sheets("macro").Range("B2").Value
If riga = "" Then riga = 2
'ripeto n volte quanto sono le righe nel foglio di excel
Do Until riga > righe
valoreCella = Sheets("Comuni").Range("B" & riga).Value
If (valoreCella = "") Then
'formo il codice istat da usare nella query web
codiceistat = Sheets("Comuni").Range("D" & riga).Value
URL = "http://www.comuni-italiani.it/" & codiceistat & "/index.html"
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
ie.navigate URL
While ie.readyState <> 4
WebText = ie.document.body.innerhtml
Set ie = Nothing
Email = GetEmailAddress(WebText)
'se trovo l'indirizzo email sottostante non faccio nulla in quanto significa che per tale Comune non ho trovato un indirizzo
'email e l'automatismo ha trovato quello del sito da cui sto prelevando i dati.
If Email <> "info@comuni-italiani.it" Then
Sheets("Comuni").Range("B" & riga).Value = Email
End If
End If
'incremento di 1 in modo tale da avanzare nelle righe
riga = riga + 1
Set ie = Nothing
End Sub
'cerco l'indirizzo email e quando lo trovo lo inserisco in una variabile chiamata Email
Function GetEmailAddress(ByVal S As String) As String
Dim X As Long, AtSign As Long
Dim Locale As String, Domain As String
Locale = "[A-Za-z0-9.!#$%&'*/=?^_`{|}~+-]"
Domain = "[A-Za-z0-9._-]"
AtSign = InStr(S, "@")
If AtSign = 0 Then Exit Function
For X = AtSign To 1 Step -1
If Not Mid(" " & S, X, 1) Like Locale Then
S = Mid(S, X)
If Left(S, 1) = "." Then S = Mid(S, 2)
Exit For
End If
AtSign = InStr(S, "@")
For X = AtSign + 1 To Len(S) + 1
If Not Mid(S & " ", X, 1) Like Domain Then
S = Left(S, X - 1)
If Right(S, 1) = "." Then S = Left(S, Len(S) - 1)
GetEmailAddress = S
Exit For
End If
End Function