I got the below macro from a old thread. I have the lines on the html page files saved on c drive, which are supposed to be in a table format but they are not and there is no separator between each column data except some undefined spaces as shown in below image, so how can i import it as a proper table .i.e. into separate columns in the excel file, also i have multiple such html files so can i import multiple files into one worksheet at one go.
Sub WebScraping()
Dim x As Integer, p As Integer, MyTable As Object 'MSHTML.HTMLTable
On Error GoTo ErrH
s = Timer
With CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
.Navigate "http://www.beb.de/internet/servlet/content/5868/StartpageEnglish/Gasstorage/Capacities/Storageutilization/Harsefeld.html"
Do While .Busy: Loop
'Loop through all the elements in the document
For Each MyTable In .Document.getElementsByTagName("table")
With MyTable
If .className = "inntertab" Then
ReDim q(.Rows.Length - 1, 5)
For x = 0 To .Rows.Length - 1
For p = 0 To .Rows(x).Cells.Length - 1
q(x, p) = .Rows(x).Cells(p).innerText
End If
End With
[A1].Resize(x, p) = q
ErrH: .Quit
End With
Set MyTable = Nothing: Erase q
MsgBox Round(Timer - s, 2)
End Sub