Hi Mrnacar.
Sorry for asking you a question that is not related to this thread, but i was not able to find any answers. Based upon your knowledge, maybe you can point me to the right direction.
I have a VBA scrip that extracts some values from the Excel File and puts these values in the txt file. This code works great as long as i specify the file name and Output name. I am trying to automate it as much as possible, due to the large number of *.xls files in the specific folder that i need to run it against.
Is there a way to run this VB Script that will executes ALL excel files in that specified folder and will create 1 txt file per each Excel file using that excel file's name, only with the txt ext?
Here is my code:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much.
Sorry for asking you a question that is not related to this thread, but i was not able to find any answers. Based upon your knowledge, maybe you can point me to the right direction.
I have a VBA scrip that extracts some values from the Excel File and puts these values in the txt file. This code works great as long as i specify the file name and Output name. I am trying to automate it as much as possible, due to the large number of *.xls files in the specific folder that i need to run it against.
Is there a way to run this VB Script that will executes ALL excel files in that specified folder and will create 1 txt file per each Excel file using that excel file's name, only with the txt ext?
Here is my code:
Const PARTY_ID = 3
Const ADDR_ID = 4
Const ORG_ID = 1
Const ORG_NAME = 2
Const FIRST_NAME = 5
Const LAST_NAME = 6
Const ADDR_NAME = 7
Const STREET = 8
Const CITY = 9
Const STATE = 10
Const ZIP = 11
Const LATITUDE = 12
Const LONGITUDE = 13
Dim m_sAddressesFolderPath As String
Dim m_sAddressesFile As String
Dim m_sSQL As String
[B][COLOR="Red"]Sub Initialize()
m_sAddressesFolderPath = "C:\Test\" 'Folder where .xls spreadsheet lives.
m_sAddressesFile = "File_name.xls" 'Name of the excel spreadsheet
m_sSQL = "output.txt" 'TXT output file
End Sub[/COLOR][/B]
Sub exportToSQL()
Dim wbkAdresses As Workbook
Dim shtData As Worksheet
Dim rows As Integer
Dim iRow As Integer
Dim sPARTY_ID As String
Dim sADDR_ID As String
Dim sORG_ID As String
Dim sORG_NAME As String
Dim sFIRST_NAME As String
Dim sLAST_NAME As String
Dim sADDR_NAME As String
Dim sSTREET As String
Dim sCITY As String
Dim sSTATE As String
Dim sZIP As String
Dim sLATITUDE As String
Dim sLONGITUDE As String
Dim sLine As String
Dim oFSO As Object
Dim oTextStream As Object
Set wbkAdresses = Workbooks.Open(m_sAddressesFolderPath & m_sAddressesFile)
Set shtData = wbkAdresses.Worksheets(1)
rows = shtData.Range(shtData.Range("A1"), shtData.Range("A65535").End(xlUp)).Count
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oTextStream = oFSO.CreateTextFile(m_sAddressesFolderPath & m_sSQL, True)
For iRow = 2 To rows
sPARTY_ID = Trim(shtData.Cells(iRow, PARTY_ID).Text)
sADDR_ID = Trim(shtData.Cells(iRow, ADDR_ID).Text)
sORG_ID = Trim(shtData.Cells(iRow, ORG_ID).Text)
sORG_NAME = Trim(shtData.Cells(iRow, ORG_NAME).Text)
sFIRST_NAME = Trim(shtData.Cells(iRow, FIRST_NAME).Text)
sLAST_NAME = Trim(shtData.Cells(iRow, LAST_NAME).Text)
sADDR_NAME = Trim(shtData.Cells(iRow, ADDR_NAME).Text)
sSTREET = Trim(shtData.Cells(iRow, STREET).Text)
sCITY = Trim(shtData.Cells(iRow, CITY).Text)
sSTATE = Trim(shtData.Cells(iRow, STATE).Text)
sZIP = Trim(shtData.Cells(iRow, ZIP).Text)
sLATITUDE = Trim(shtData.Cells(iRow, LATITUDE).Text)
sLONGITUDE = Trim(shtData.Cells(iRow, LONGITUDE).Text)
'If IsEmpty(Range("L1").Select) = False And IsEmpty(Range("L1").Select) = False Then
If Len(sLATITUDE) > 0 And Len(sLONGITUDE) > 0 Then
sLine = "update nns.gis_address a set a.location=SDO_GEOMETRY(2001, 8307,SDO_POINT_TYPE(" & sLONGITUDE & ", " & sLATITUDE & ",null),null,null), a.geocode_flag='1' where addr_id=" & sADDR_ID & " and party_id=" & sPARTY_ID & " and geocode_flag='0';"
oTextStream.WriteLine sLine
End If
'wbkAdresses.Close False
End Sub
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much.