I have a workbook with data in 84 separate sheets, all of which have the same format. The data sheets represent different projects. The data I am interested in, a type of expenditure, is in column D, rows 22 – 61 of the sheets. The corresponding row in column B contains an identifier which indicates what supplier the expenditure in that particular row was charged on.</SPAN>
I have introduced an 85th</SPAN> sheet, in which I calculate grand totals over the 84 sheets for each supplier. Sums like this one:</SPAN>
Here, cell A6 contains the supplier identifier for which the sum is calculated. Cells A37 – A120 contain the names of the 84 data sheets over which the sum is calculated.</SPAN>
I would like to put the summary table with the grand totals in a separate workbook. Assuming that the data sheets are in a file called C:\Users\Me\data.xls what would the formula above look like?</SPAN>
The ranges B22:B61 and D22:D61 would now be in a different file that would have to be referenced to appropriately. I have tried to put in the external reference but I do not seem to get it right. Can anyone help?</SPAN>
I am using Excel 2010 on Windows 7.</SPAN>
I have introduced an 85th</SPAN> sheet, in which I calculate grand totals over the 84 sheets for each supplier. Sums like this one:</SPAN>
=SUMPRODUCT(SUMIF(INDIRECT("'" & $A$37:$A$120 & "'!B22:B61"),$A6,INDIRECT("'" & $A$37:$A$120 & "'!D22:D61")))</SPAN>
I would like to put the summary table with the grand totals in a separate workbook. Assuming that the data sheets are in a file called C:\Users\Me\data.xls what would the formula above look like?</SPAN>
The ranges B22:B61 and D22:D61 would now be in a different file that would have to be referenced to appropriately. I have tried to put in the external reference but I do not seem to get it right. Can anyone help?</SPAN>
I am using Excel 2010 on Windows 7.</SPAN>