I'm doing a horizontal range but having issues. Here's my example code:
This doesn't work because my variable is a number. I'm trying to piece together how to use the Cells object inside the range object when the cells should refer to a different worksheet than the one my chart is on. Any advice, insight or helping me (and others) understand concepts I'm missing help!
resSurvey = Range("C3").End(xlToRight).Column
Sheets("dash").ChartObjects("Chart 12").Activate
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Range("res_surveys!$C$35:$" & resSurvey & "$35")
This doesn't work because my variable is a number. I'm trying to piece together how to use the Cells object inside the range object when the cells should refer to a different worksheet than the one my chart is on. Any advice, insight or helping me (and others) understand concepts I'm missing help!