I have a code that copies data from column C or E if there's no data on column C from all sheets on the workbook except the master sheet
But this code is not completely mine, I asked a colleague help to make it for me
What I know is that it also depends on column G
Can someone please explain to me what does each row of the code does?
Much appreciated
Thank you
But this code is not completely mine, I asked a colleague help to make it for me
What I know is that it also depends on column G
Can someone please explain to me what does each row of the code does?
Much appreciated
Thank you
VBA Code:
Sub Copy_Detail_Capex()
Dim ws As Worksheet, MasterSheet As Worksheet
Dim originalDestinationCell As Range, nextDestCell As Range
Dim firstGreyCell As Range, c, e, s As Range
Dim lastRow, firstRow, colToCheckLast, i As Integer
Dim isMain As Boolean
Set MasterSheet = Sheets("Form Recap") 'where you want to put the copied data
Set originalDestinationCell = MasterSheet.Range("C6") 'the first cell the data will be copied to
Set nextDestCell = originalDestinationCell.Offset(-1, 0)
firstRow = 6
colToCheckLast = 7
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If Not ws.Name = MasterSheet.Name Then
Set firstGreyCell = ws.Range("C" & firstRow) 'Set first starting loop cell
lastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, colToCheckLast).End(xlUp).Row
isMain = True
For i = firstRow To lastRow
Set c = ws.Range("C" & i)
Set e = ws.Range("E" & i)
Set s = Nothing
If isMain Then
If c.Interior.Color = firstGreyCell.Interior.Color Then
If Not IsEmpty(c) Then
Set s = c
isMain = False
End If
End If
If c.Interior.Color = firstGreyCell.Interior.Color Then
If Not IsEmpty(c) Then
Set s = c
End If
isMain = True
If Not IsEmpty(e) Then
Set s = e
End If
End If
End If
If Not s Is Nothing Then
Set nextDestCell = MasterSheet.Cells(nextDestCell.Row + 1, originalDestinationCell.Column)
nextDestCell.Interior.Color = s.Interior.Color
nextDestCell.Value = s.Value
End If
End If
Next ws
End Sub